Taft: Ohio homeland security risk ''Elevated''; but you may not defend yourself
Don't panic but be prepared, Gov. Bob Taft said yesterday as he unveiled new homeland-security guidelines for the state's schools, businesses and homes.
The security levels, from green (low) to red (severe) adopted by the 21-member Ohio Security Task Force mirror the federal terrorism-alert levels.
Ohio is now at a yellow or elevated security level.
Taft said the outbreak of war with Iraq would cause new concerns.
"You can't rule out the possibility Ohio would be a target,'' Taft said.
OFCC PAC Commentary:
Ohio may be a target of terrorism, and yet if it were left up to Bob Taft, Ohio's citizens' constitutional rights to self-defense would continue to be outlawed.
Click here to read the full story in the Columbus Dispatch (subscription site - paid access only).
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