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Girl raped at gunpoint in ''no-guns'' Toledo park

By Chad D. Baus

The Toledo Blade is reporting that Toledo police are seeking information about the sexual and physical assault of a 16-year-old city girl last week at Highland Park in South Toledo.

From the story:

    The teenager was approached by two suspects about 7 a.m. as she was putting air into a tire on her vehicle at South Avenue and Spencer Street, police said.

    She was shoved into the vehicle, robbed, and forced to drive to the nearby park at South and Champion Street, where she was assaulted. A black handgun was brandished, police said.

Got that? Those pesky rapists went and ignored a Toledo "no guns in our city parks" sign, which city officials claim are oh, so important to prevent, well, rape at gun point, for instance.

Again from the story:

    One suspect was described as white or possibly Hispanic, 17 to 19 years old, 5 feet, 7 inches tall, with a thin build, brown eyes, thin nose and lips, and dark peach fuzz above his upper lip. His bottom teeth were crooked...

    ...The second suspect was described as white, 15 to 16 years old, 5 feet, 7 inches tall, with a thin build and light-colored eyes.

They tell us there is no reason to need the right to bear arms for self-defense in a park. They tell us we need to keep the guns out of parks in order to protect our children. Yet here we have two teenagers violating a ban on possessing the handgun they used (because they are too young to even own a handgun, let alone get a license to carry one) while violating the ban against guns in Toledo parks (which only the law-abiding honor) so that they could ignore the ban on sexually assault a defenseless young girl.

When are people truly concerned about preventing violent crime going to stop listening to gun ban extremists who continue to sell the notion that bans are the answer to controlling the lawless?

It is because anti-gun city officials have so totally failed to recognize where the problem truly lies, and irresponsibly stolen away the rights of their citizens to defend themselves, that a law like HB347 was needed. In 14 more days, ordinances like Toledo's gun control laws will be preempted. However, as Buckeye Firearms Association Legislative Chair Ken Hanson pointed out on NRANews Tuesday evening, the 80-plus gun control ordinances that gun ban extremists and city officials whined would be preempted by HB347 will still be on the books, unless the cities act to revoke them. Will the City of Toledo do the right thing, or will they continue to enforce a useless ban on self-defense until a court strikes it down?

If history is any indicator, this isn't the last time we'll see an armed criminal act with impunity in a Toledo city park.

FLASHBACK: 11 yr.-old raped in ''hell''; otherwise known as a ''gun-free'' Toledo city park

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