Op-Ed: Why Are Pastors Agreeing To Violate The U.S. Constitution?
By Brannon Howse
The same federal government that has outlawed a pastor or priest from offering an invocation or a benediction at a high school graduation ceremony now wants to use them to usher in martial law.
In a television news report about this new government program, a pastor can be seen and heard declaring his willingness to assist in taking away your 2nd Amendment right to defend your family by misquoting Romans 13.
Click 'Read More' to view the report.
By the way, will these same pastors agree to stop preaching and teaching against homosexuality if the government says that it is hate speech? I think the answer is yes!
Be careful when reading this article and don’t assume I am saying more than I am. This article is about one thing; that pastors should not be working with the federal government to deprive you of your right to defend your family and certainly not when there is civil unrest. Look at Katrina in New Orleans. Most of the police left the city themselves. Some of the police that remained were seen and even filmed stealing from the stores. While gangs are out in full force with stolen guns are law abiding citizens suppose to give up their guns and “trust” the government to protect them?
I am so tired of feminized; milk-toast pastors that don’t know history, the Bible and that civil government does not always trump church government. America needs more pastors like Dietrich Bonhoeffer who opposed Hitler and less that are like Mr. Rogers.
Click here to read the entire article.
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