Now or Never?
You've already heard the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence's claims that concealed carry reform is not a male issue, as witnessed by the fact that no females have come to offer supportive testimony. Now there's this:
OCAGV has put out the following plea to their anti-self-defense extremists, calling for persons to come and testify against HB12 next week in Columbus:
"If you know a business owner that objects, a day-care owner that will speak to the safety of the children with guns coming in the door or in the parking lot, a teacher or principal that does not want guns going through the parking lot, a person that has been a domestic violence victim and used a shelter, a family that is concerned about a mentally ill member being able to get a permit, call them and tell them NOW is the time to object to Carrying Concealed Weapons and HB 12."
OFCC PAC Commentary:
To all those who want to recover their right to self-defense, this message should be a wake-up call to you. Don't let the mindless rhetoric win over common sense yet again. We preach to the choir an awful lot. It's time to preach to the "lost."
• Senators need to hear from people who are tired of walking around defenseless attacks by rapists or robbers.
• Senators need to hear from parents who are tired of worrying that their daughters will be victimized on their way too and from campus.
• Senators need to hear from people who are forced to live in fear because, deep down, they know that restraining orders do NOT work to restrain the violent.
• Senators need to hear from business-owners whose businesses are at risk due to unchecked violence.
• Senators need to hear from all those who wish they could protect themselves, but can't afford the costs and potential character assassination that would accompany arrest, detainment and trial just to prove an affirmative defense.
• Senators need to hear from professors, school teachers and day-care owners who don't want to read one more story about students being terroized because no one could defend them.
• Senators need to hear from people who are tired of seeing the defenseless law-abiding suffer at the hands of criminals in Ohio, while citizens in 46 other states are exercising some form of self-defense with a concealed firearm.
Is your family's right to self-defense not worth a vacation day or unpaid day off? It's time to do your part! Recruit others, and come to testify next week.
Two hearings have been scheduled for May 20 & 21. Click here for more information.
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