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Give an hour or two and advance our gun rights

By Scott Seibert

Last week I received a call from Brian, a campaign aid for Ohio Senate candidate Jim Hughes ( His staff and a bunch of volunteers were getting together again Saturday May 10 to commence another "lit drop" [literature drop] in the Hilliard neighborhoods.

I had participated in an earlier lit drop a couple weeks ago, and found it to be a very worthwhile experience. So of course I said I'd do it again!

Here's how it works:

Show up at the designated time and place (a little earlier is better, you'll see why) and look for a couple dozen of people dressed in Hughes for State Senate (or your pro-gun candidate) tees. They'll be huddled around the back of a pickup and/or minivan chatting, munching Krispy Kreme donuts and sipping the coffee provided by the campaign.

Say 'hi' and sign in (as a BFA volunteer), grab your own new t-shirt and a lit pack (small pamphlets explaining the candidate's background and plans) and get your assigned neighborhood map.

They've organized it in such a way that one or two people will work several streets in a particular area. The maps provided are Mapquest copies with the area of responsibility highlighted with marker. One map gives easy directions from the rallying point (in this case the back of the Kroger lot by the AmVets dropbox) to the the assigned neighborhood; the other shows exactly which street for which you and your partner(s) are responsible.

My partner last time was a young chap named Kyle from the OSU College Republicans, a fellow gunny and (of course) an all-around good guy. We chatted briefly while we drove the short distance to our area, parked the truck and split up. I had maybe 50 to 100 pamphlets as did he, so I just started walking in one direction methodically from one doorstep to the next while he went the other way. I tried my best to be a good ambassador for the campaign, always using the the walkways and never tramping across the lawns. I sometimes got a chance to say hello to the residents if they were out and about, but mostly just left the pamphlets at their front doors and moved on to the next house.

I probably spent a total of one hour power-walking from door to door and meeting some of my fellow Hilliard residents, spreading some good cheer as well as getting some terrific exercise, but most importantly, helping out a candidate who will help us out.

These candidates sincerely appreciate the assistance the volunteers at Buckeye Firearms Association can provide, no matter how insignificant it may seem to us at the time. Once elected, the candidates will remember the good will we extended to them in the past, and they will be much more willing to lend us an ear and work with us on the legislation and issues that are important to us.

Won't you join me and the others across the State in the coming weeks and give just a little of your time to a pro-gun candidate in your area?

It is fun and easy and will mean so much in the future.

Scott Seibert is a Buckeye Firearms Association Columbus-area volunteer.

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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.