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Castle Doctrine bill needs your support NOW!

UPDATE: (5.22.08 12:00PM)

For the fourth time this month, House Criminal Justice Chairman John White (R-38) has put off a possible vote on SB184, the Castle Doctrine bill. Although a Governor Strickland-, Buckeye Firearms Association- and NRA-backed amendment was circulated before the meeting, White did not give the committee opportunity to adopt the amendment.

The Ohio Fraternal Order of Police union is staging a full assault on your rights and the amendment that would restore them. Legislators are listening to their complaints and your rights to keep and bear arms are being infringed.

It is IMPERATIVE that calls and emails continue to be made to legislators, asking that the bill be amended and passed before summer break.

UPDATE: (5.21.08 3:35PM)

Governor Strickland tells FOP where to stick it on gun bill; Republicans should do the same

Governor Strickland has made it clear that he supports these "reasonable and appropriate" improvements to Ohio law. So with objections from the Governor's mansion a thing of the past, an amended SB184 should be on its way to easy passage, right?

Apparently not. The amendment was not adopted by the House Criminal Justice Committee today, as originally scheduled, nor was the bill given a vote.

Ohio gun owners and their friends who support the right to self-defense need to contact their state representatives immediately (especially the Republicans, who currently control the committee and legislature as a whole) and encourage them to disregard the rantings of the FOP and to join Governor Ted Strickland in support of this amendment.

UPDATE: (5.21.08 12:20PM)
The committee hearing is still ongoing. There will be no vote today on SB184. The House Criminal Justice Committee will conduct another hearing on SB184 tomorrow with a possible vote.

UPDATE: (5.20.08 6:08PM)
The Ohio Fraternal Order of Police union is staging a full assault on your rights and the amendment that would restore them. Legislators are listening to their complaints and your rights to keep and bear arms are being infringed. Now is the time to stand up and be counted!

Attend hearings in Columbus on Wednesday and Thursday to show your support.

Stay up to date. If you have not received an email alert about this topic, sign up now.

The Ohio House will consider an amendment to SB184 (Castle Doctrine) this Wednesday morning at 9:30 a.m. It is critically important that your Representative hear from you immediately.

Law enforcement groups are working frantically behind the scenes at this very moment to scuttle this important fix. Your Representative needs to know you support gun rights in Ohio.


1. CLICK HERE to look up the name and number of your Rep.

2. Call the number. Explain you are a constituent and support the pro-gun amendment that will be offered to SB184 on Wednesday.

3. Explain that several amendments have been discussed and that you are asking your Rep. to support the amendments supported by Buckeye Firearms Association and the National Rifle Association.

4. Stress that several amendments will be offered, and not all are friendly to gun owners. Ask that they listen to the testimony of Buckeye Firearms Association and the National Rifle Association in support of their amendment. Ask that they support our positions.

These amendments will offer critical improvements to Ohio’s firearm laws (not just concealed carry) and mostly address the various poison pills we have been forced to swallow over the years. For examples of items needing emergency action, click here. Law enforcement is wrong to opposed these fixes, and your Reps. need to hear it from the voters.

Visit for further news in the next 36 hours. With your help, this bill may be amended and passed by the House by Wednesday afternoon!

Make those calls NOW!

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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.