Headline: Second Amendment Talk Highlights First Shot Ceremony
The Ottawa County Beacon is reporting that attendees to the First Shot Ceremony for the 2008 National Rifle and Pistol Championships at Camp Perry were treated to more than just a band concert, a parachute jump that delivered the American Flag and a fly-over by a pair of F-16's from the 180th Ohio National Guard Tactical Fighter Wing from Toledo. They were also treated to a celebration of the Second Amendment by some of Ohio's elected officials.
From the story:
On Monday afternoon, just before he fired the first shot down range to open the 2008 National Rifle and Pistol Championships at Camp Perry, National Rifle Association President, John Sigler let the gathered dignitaries and politicos know that they should think twice before messing with their Second Amendment Rights. He encouraged all competitors and shooters to head the polls in large numbers this November and vote for elected officials who will continue to support the Second Amendment. "The only way to lose our rights is to allow them to atrophy from a lack of use," stated Sigler.
The NRA President had quite an audience for his remarks, as they followed speeches from Ohio Governor Ted Strickland, 9th District Congressman Marcy Kaptur, 5th District Congressman Bob Latta along with Ohio National Guard Adjutant General, Greg Wayt as well as numerous local elected officials and board members of the NRA and the Civilian Marksmanship Board of Trustees.
For Strickland's part, he guaranteed that, during his term, the Second Amendment would continue to be supported in Ohio. Bob Latta, a competitor and longtime supporter of Camp Perry and the National Matches, concurred. Marcy Kaptur was a bit more reserved, but encouraged the 6,000 shooters who will participate in the competition to exercise "maximum responsibility" when using their weapons.
The National Rifle and Pistol Championships will continue through August 13. The public is welcome to visit any of the competitive venues during the matches.
A calendar of this an other Buckeye state firearms-related events is available here.
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