The Uninvited Ombudsman Report, No. 50

Taken from the most recent “Page Nine” Alan Korwin’s “The Uninvited Ombudsman Report”

1- Are Handguns Machineguns?

The lamestream media told you:

Dick Heller, the security guard who won back limited gun rights in an historic decision at the Supreme Court last month, was turned down by D.C. police when he tried to register his semiautomatic handgun. District authorities decided it was not a proper handgun under the new law.

The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:

Defying all logic and reason, D.C.'s new law repeats language from its old law, that says any firearm that could take a magazine with more than 12 rounds -- whether you own such a magazine or not -- is a machine gun. Blatant lunacy, D.C. bureaucrats are trying to get away with this abuse, to ban anything but revolvers and derringers.

Dick Heller, who successfully registered the 9-shot, 6-inch barrel, Harrington & Richardson "Longhorn" .22-caliber revolver that got his Supreme Court case underway, is using the denial for his semi-auto to challenge the city's unmitigated gall on the "bottom loading" issue. He also plans to challenge the continued requirement that his gun remains in his home unloaded, and locked or disassembled, rendering it useless, until "it is being used to protect against a reasonably perceived threat of immediate harm to a person within the registrant’s home."

Two of the finest Second Amendment attorneys in the nation, Stephen Halbrook and Richard Gardiner, are representing Heller in the ongoing case. The city plans to spend buckets of taxpayer money to prevent Mr. Heller from exercising the rights most other Americans have, and which the Supreme Court insisted must be restored to him.

No criminal charges or other indictments against District authorities have been announced.


3- Olympics Firearms Teams

The lamestream media told you:

The Olympic Torch went through the capital of Tibet, Lhasa, with virtually none of the protests and demonstrations that marred the fine ritual in some other cities recently, on its way to the grand opening of the games.

The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:

Hundreds of Communist Chinese troops and police kept Lhasa virtually closed during the Olympic torch relay, to avoid the extreme embarrassment the Chinese dictatorship has suffered from protests for its treatment of Tibetans and human rights in general. Several hundred "pre-approved onlookers" lined the streets for cameras, according to The Week news magazine.

The U.S. Olympic shooting team, which had to get special permission from President Bush to bring firearms into the Communist stronghold for competing in the games, may receive some televised coverage from NBC and its satellite stations (MSNBC, CNBC, USA, OXYGEN, TELEMUNDO, more). For broadcast schedules (next-to-the-last link):

Complete game schedules, which begin on Aug. 8, 2008, straight from the commie website:


(searchable by item number)
1- Are Handguns Machineguns?
2- Boring Earthquake Glorified
3- Olympics Firearms Teams
4- Religion of Pieces
5- Journalists Define Journalism
6- Cool Obama Deception
7- Cooler Obama Deception
8- Global Whining Blame
9- Global Whining Disproof
10- Special Guest Columnist Craig Cantoni--
You choose -- coctail parties or prison
11- Counterintuitive Man says:
"Cold dead fingers" is a myth!

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