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“It's on the other foot now!”

Dear Mr. or Ms. Bad Person,

The time has finally come that the “shoe is on the other foot”.

For many, many years it was my responsibility to prove myself “justified” in using lethal force when you broke into my castle in the wee hours of the night. If you were injured, maimed, or even killed while you performed your illegal activities, you or your family could sue me personally for your injuries or death while you were robbing by castle. It would cost me many thousands of dollars to prove myself “justified” in using lethal force to stop you from hurting, killing, or raping members of my family AND perhaps many more thousands of dollars paying you or your family for your illegal deeds.

Effective September 9th, 2008 I am no longer be forced to prove myself “justified” in using lethal force when you illegally enter my castle. The burden of proof of innocence will now be place upon YOU!

I have worked hard all of my life to obtain what I have for me and my family and I’m not about to let you take what I love and cherish and have provided for my family.

It seems that the Ohio Legislature and a lot of other concerned citizens have realized that this type of situation of allowing criminals to sue honest law abiding citizens and home owners for their illegal acts was totally ridiculous. So, now the laws have been change to protect Ohio’s citizens and homeowners from your dishonest ways.

Please be forewarned...I am capable of and WILL use any means possible to stop you from your illegal intentions.


Your honest, law-abiding Ohio home owner

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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.