Ohio Div. of Wildlife announces major improvements to Mobility Impaired Hunter Access to wildlife areas
By Larry S. Moore
The Ohio Division of Wildlife is announcing major improvements in hunter access to wildlife areas for mobility impaired hunters.
It is a wonderful thing to see the results of an effort started by mobility-impaired hunter and Buckeye Firearms Volunteer Bob Harsanje several years ago.
I joined his efforts in late 2006 by writing a resolution for the League of Ohio Sportsmen annual convention supporting additional handicapped access to hunting areas. This gave us a two-pronged approach with Harsanje working with State Representative Peter Ujvagi while a dialogue was also started with Division of Wildlife leadership. The League of Ohio Sportsmen adopted the proposed resolution at their February 2007 annual convention.
Harsanje’s work with Sen. John Carey and Rep Ujvagi resulted in the passage of Senate Bill 209, which the ODNR Division of Wildlife also supported throughout the process. Governor Strickland signed the bill in late April 2008.
The Division of Wildlife has continued to move forward with the necessary rules and regulations to effectively manage the implementation of the improved access. Wildlife areas and access points were designated within each of the five Districts of the Division. These efforts provide a variety of habitat and resource access in all geographic areas of the state. Click on the link in the Division press release to view a map of the designated wildlife areas.
Specific Division of Wildlife access roads within the designated Wildlife Areas will be opened to the use of electric powered all-purpose vehicles (EPAPV). The Division has specified a process for submitting applications. Applications are available online through the above links or may be downloaded directly from http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/Portals/9/pdf/DNR%209114.pdf.
Applications will be accepted beginning October 1, 2008. The road marking designations and areas will be available for use beginning on November 24, 2008, which is in time for some deer archery season and the deer gun week which opens December 1. The above links provide the rules and question/answers about the process.
Programs aimed at mobility impaired hunters, such as the National Wild Turkey Federation’s Wheelin’ Sportsmen, continue to attract record numbers of mobility impaired hunters. This is a tribute to the popularity of hunting and the desire of sportsmen to be in the out of doors. The improved access is the logical next step in addressing the ability to hunt and land access for the mobility impaired.
It is exciting to see the improvement in mobility impaired hunter access to enjoy the great outdoors and take part in the hunting tradition. I know I speak for Bob Harsanje and all the Buckeye Firearms volunteers that got behind this effort when I say how gratifying it is to be part of the positive changes to Ohio’s laws and improved access to the outdoor experience. I hope many able-bodied sportsmen will take some time and assist a mobility impaired sportsman or woman in their pursuit of hunting
Outdoor writer and hunter education instructor Larry S. Moore is a long-time volunteer leader for Buckeye Firearms Association and winner of the 2005 USSA Patriot Award and 2007 League of Ohio Sportsmen/Ohio Wildlife Federation Hunter Educator of the Year.
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