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Barack "LIES": GOP responds to new Obama ad claiming support for hunting rights & self-defense

“Barack Obama is running TV ads about guns without telling the national media because he knows they would never pass a credible fact check. Obama is the most anti-gun candidate for President in American history. He consistently worked to undermine Second Amendment rights, which is why respected pro-gun groups are harshly critical of him. Obama owes it to voters to be more upfront and honest about his anti-gun record. Just like his votes to raise taxes on the middle class and his relationship with Bill Ayers, this is yet another example of Obama being dishonest with voters.” – Alex Conant, RNC Spokesman

New Obama Campaign Ad Lies About Obama’s Support For Hunting Rights:

Obama Campaign Ad: NRA Member Greg West: “I hunt, I fish, I love the outdoors. I love this country and I support Barack Obama.” (Ben Smith, “Obama: ‘Life Member,’” The Politico’s “Ben Smith’s Blog,”, 10/5/08)

The Ad Does Not Mention That In 2003, Obama Voted In Support Of Legislation That “Would Have Banned Most Of The Privately Held Hunting Shotguns, Target Rifles, And Black Powder Rifles” In Illinois. “[I]n 2003, Obama voted in support of SB1195, which, if passed, would have banned most of the privately held hunting shotguns, target rifles, and black powder rifles in the state. If the ban was enacted, law enforcement officials would have been authorized to forcibly enter private homes to confiscate newly banned firearms.” (Illinois State Rifle Association, “ISRA Blasts Candidate Obama On His Record Of Hostility Toward Law-Abiding Firearm Owners,” Press Release, 8/24/04)

  • Target Shooters And Hunters Feared SB 1195. “Target shooters said SB 1195 would have banned several popular rifles. Hunters feared the bill would prohibit common guns and ammunition used for recreation and hunting, including deer slugs for shotguns and muzzleloaders larger than .50-caliber.” (Scott Richardson, Op-Ed, “Legislative Action Has Impact On Outdoors,” The [Bloomington, IL] Pantagraph, 6/22/03)


New Obama Campaign Ad Lies About Obama’s Support For The Right To Self-Defense:

Obama Campaign Ad: Announcer: “Barack Obama supports gun rights. Our right to protect ourselves.” (Ben Smith, “Obama: ‘Life Member,’” The Politico’s “Ben Smith’s Blog,”, 10/5/08)

The Ad Does Not Mention That In 2004, Obama Voted Against Legislation “Drafted To Protect Homeowners From Prosecution In Cases Where They Used A Firearm To Halt A Home Invasion.” “[O]bama cast a total of 4 votes in opposition to SB2165. SB2165 was drafted to protect homeowners from prosecution in cases where they used a firearm to halt a home invasion. Once again, Obama found himself on the wrong side of the issue as overwhelming majorities of both the House and the Senate voted in favor of this important legislation. Obama’s steadfast opposition to SB2165 is indicative of his misplaced priorities on issues of self-defense and personal firearm ownership.” (Illinois State Rifle Association, “ISRA Blasts Candidate Obama On His Record Of Hostility Toward Law-Abiding Firearm Owners,” Press Release, 8/24/04)

  • “The State Handgun Bill Obama Voted Against Was A Response To The Case Of A Suburban Chicago Restaurant Owner Who Shot A Burglar Who Had Broken Into His Home Twice.” (Mike Robinson, “Keyes Rips Obama Over Opposition To Gun Bill,” The Associated Press State & Local Wire, 8/24/04)

The Ad Does Not Mention That Obama Has Called For Banning The Manufacture, Sale & Possession Of Handguns – Firearms Used For Self-Defense. Question from a 1996 Independent Voters of Illinois questionnaire: “Do you support state legislation to … ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns?” Obama’s Answer: “Yes.” (Independent Voters Of Illinois Independent Precinct Organization 1996 General Candidate Questionnaire, Barack Obama Responses, 9/9/96)

The Ad Does Not Mention That Obama Believes The D.C. Gun Ban Is Constitutional. “[T]he campaign of Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama said that he ‘...believes that we can recognize and respect the rights of law-abiding gun owners and the right of local communities to enact common sense laws to combat violence and save lives. Obama believes the D.C. handgun law is constitutional.’” (James Oliphant and Michael J. Higgins, “Court To Hear Gun Case,” Chicago Tribune, 11/20/07)

  • The Ad Does Not Mention That During An Interview, Obama Acknowledged His Support For The D.C. Gun Ban. Questioner Leon Harris: “One other issue that’s of great importance here in the district as well is gun control. You said in Idaho recently – I’m quoting here – ‘I have no intention of taking away folks’ guns,’ but you support the D.C. handgun ban.” Obama: “Right.” (Leon Harris and Sen. Barack Obama, Forum Sponsored By ABC And Politico.Com, Washington, DC, 2/12/08)

The Ad Does Not Mention That In 2001, Obama Voted Against And “Helped Defeat” A Bill To Allow Individuals To Carry A Concealed Weapon When They Have A Valid Order Of Protection Out Against Another Person. (S.B. 604, Senate Floor Third Reading, Failed, 29-27-0, 4/4/01, Obama Voted Nay)

  • Obama “Helped Defeat” The Bill. “After extensive debate on the Senate floor … state Sen. Barack Obama (D-13) helped defeat a bill that would allow people who receive an order of protection to possess and carry a concealed firearm. … ‘Concealed-carry laws would only increase the problem of handgun violence and ultimately make the streets less safe everywhere,’ said Obama. … ‘It was a bad idea and I’m glad it failed,’ said Obama.” (Todd Spivak, “Sen. Obama Helps Defeat A Concealed Firearm Bill,” Hyde Park Herald, 4/11/01)

The Ad Does Not Mention That Obama Opposes Concealed Carry. Obama: “I am not in favor of concealed weapons … I think that creates a potential atmosphere where more innocent people could (get shot during) altercations.” (Mike Wereschagin and David M. Brown, “Candidates’ Gun Control Positions May Figure In Pa. Vote,” Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 4/2/08)


New Obama Campaign Ad Claims Support From Single NRA Member:

Obama Campaign Ad: NRA Member Greg West: “I’m a lifetime member of the NRA. … I love this country and I support Barack Obama.” (Ben Smith, “Obama: ‘Life Member,’” The Politico’s “Ben Smith’s Blog,”, 10/5/08)

The Ad Does Not Mention That In 2004, 2002 And 1998, Obama Received “F” Ratings From The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund. (National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund Website,, Accessed 1/8/08; National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund Website,, Accessed 1/8/08; 1998 Illinois National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund Political Preference Chart, p.2)

  • NOTE: An “F” Is Described As A “True Enemy Of Gun Owners’ Rights. A Vehement Anti-Gun Candidate Who Always Opposes Gun Owners’ Rights And/Or Actively Leads Anti-Gun Legislative Efforts, Or Sponsors Anti-Gun Legislation.” (National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund Website,, Accessed 1/2/08)

The Ad Does Not Mention That The NRA Has Said Obama Would Be “The Most Anti-Gun President In American History.” “The message of the new site,, is not subtle. According to the NRA, Obama would be ‘the most anti-gun president in American history.’ And it provides a list of fact sheets, news articles, and quotes by Obama to underscore their point.” (Emily Cadei, “NRA Takes Aim Online At Obama,” Congressional Quarterly Today, 9/3/08)

The Ad Does Not Mention That NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre Has Said Obama Is Out To “Destroy” The Right To Keep And Bear Arms. “Obama’s alleged support of the Second Amendment is utterly cynical and false. Barack Obama is not for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms; he’s out to destroy it.” (Wayne LaPierre, “Barack Obama’s Slippery Oratory,” 4/11/08)

The Ad Does Not Mention That NRA’s LaPierre Blasted Obama For His “Bitter” Comments. “Wayne LaPierre, the executive vice president of the NRA, blasted Obama on ABC News this week. ‘American gun owners have for years understood the elitist concept of special privileges for the few, the same few who look down their nose at the people who respect basic American traditions like flying the flag, going to church, owning a gun and believing in the Bill of Rights,’ LaPierre said. ‘Obama’s statement is a crack in the door that gives all of us a peek as to how the ‘special’ people look at the rest of us. Americans can read that code.’” (Roger Simon, “People Who Cling To Guns Vote, Too,” Politico, 4/15/08)

The Ad Does Not Mention That NRA Chief Lobbyist Chris W. Cox Said Obama Lies About His Gun Record. NRA Chief Lobbyist Chris W. Cox: “[Obama] has supported bans on handguns and semi-automatic firearms, and he has voted to ban possession of many shotguns and rifles commonly used by hunters and sportsmen across America. And we will remind voters every single time he lies.” (National Rifle Association-Institute For Legislative Action, “NRA To Obama: Do Not Lie To Hunters And Gun Owners,” Press Release, 9/10/08)


The Ad Does Not Mention That Obama Is Currently Attacking The NRA:

The Ad Does Not Mention That Obama Is Threatening Stations That Ran An NRA Ad That Highlighted Obama’s Anti-Gun Record. “[T]he Obama campaign was threatening stations in Pennsylvania and Ohio that ran an ad from the National Rifle Association that said Mr. Obama would be ‘the most anti-gun president in American history’ and detailed his statements on a number of gun-related issues.” (Victor Morton, “Free Speech II,” The Washington Times’ “Inside Blogotics” Blog,, 9/30/08)

  • The Ad Does Not Mention That The General Counsel To Obama For America Has Written A Cease And Desist Letter To TV Stations Asking Them To Take Down NRA Ads. “As General Counsel to Obama for America, I write about an advertisement sponsored by the National Rifle Association (“NRA”) that may be airing on your station. … We request that you immediately cease airing this advertisement.” (Robert F. Bauer, Cease And Desist Letter To TV Stations, 9/23/08)

The Ad Does Not Mention That Obama Has Been “Harshly Critical” Of The NRA. “Obama was harshly critical of the National Rifle Association, the nation’s largest interest group opposing gun-control legislation.” (John Chase, “Keyes, Obama Are Far Apart On Guns,” Chicago Tribune, 9/15/04)

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