FLASH: Anti-Castle Doctrine mailer attacking Buckeye Firearms Assoc. endorsee paid for by Ohio Democratic Party
Earlier this year, State Representative Ross McGregor and 75 percent of the Ohio General Assembly voted in favor of your right to defend yourself and your children from violent criminals - criminals who don't care about "No Guns" signs.

Now the Ohio Democratic Party is attacking McGregor, a Republican, for siding with victims who don't want to be helpless if they or their children are violently attacked.
Buckeye Firearms Association has obtained two separate political campaign mailers sent to voters in House District 72, which attack McGregor, a Buckeye Firearms Association-endorsee, for his support of Senate Bill 184, Ohio's Castle Doctrine bill.
Just weeks before the election, and at the exact time when gun owners are becoming more deeply concerned about the party's nomination of Barack Obama for president, two large full color mailers bearing the name of the Ohio Democratic Party, and Chairman Chris Redfern, were mailed to residents in Rep. Ross McGregor's House district. The mailers attack McGregor's support for SB184 as a vote for "more guns in schools" and putting children "in the line of fire."
In paying for these anti-gun mailers, the Ohio Democratic Party seems to be forgetting that a majority of its own caucus members in the House, including Chairman Redfern himself, voted for this popular legislation, and that a supportive Democrat governor, Ted Strickland, enthusiastically signed it into law.
From the Ohio Democratic Party mailers:
"You'd do anything to keep them safe...but State Representative Ross McGregor is making it harder to do by voting to allow guns into school zones."
"Why would our representative Ross McGregor vote to make it easier to bring guns onto our children's school grounds? McGregor voted for Senate Bill 184 that allows guns onto school property where our children learn and play."
"Schools should be a sanctuary where children are free to learn and are safe from violence. So why would Ross McGregor vote yes on Senate Bill 184 to allow guns on school grounds and put them in the line of fire?"

Ohio Democratic Party anti-gun mailer asks
"Which of these doesn't belong near schools?"
Recipients of the mailers are urged to "fire McGregor" over his support for SB184.
The truth is that the only thing SB184 changed regarding schools was about the ability for concealed handgun license-holders to pick up or drop off their child from a designated point on school property. Despite the fact that so many of its caucus members and its leaders supported the bill, the Ohio Democratic Party is now voting with its dollars - against allowing that option for law-abiding gun owners.
In the past few years, the Ohio Democratic Party has attempted to convince pro-gun voters that it could be trusted on the Second Amendment. In 2006, Democrats took control of statewide offices due, in part, to finally running pro-gun candidates. In fact, the two statewide races considered upsets, Attorney General and State Auditor, were races in which a pro-gun/anti-gun choice was presented, and the underdog pro-gun candidate won.
For Ohio Democratic Party Chairman Chris Redfern, himself a legislator and former endorsee of this PAC, to allow his name and his party's funds to be spent on anti-gun mailers which attacks a state representative for casting the same vote that he and many other House (and Senate) Democrats cast, is hypocrisy at its worst.
Buckeye Firearms Association is planning an aggressive response to this attack on one of our endorsees. Part of that response depends on YOU.
What Can You Do?
1) Support Rep. McGregor and take advantage of the Ohio Income Tax credit:
If you have not already taken advantage of the tax credit for political donations ($50 per individual/$100 per couple), please do so now. You will get 100% of this money back on your next Ohio Income Tax return. Ross McGregor stood for us, it's time all gun owners in Ohio stand up for him.
Citizens for McGregor
Thom Goodfellow, Treasurer
5524 Old Columbus Road
Springfield, OH 45502
2) Support Rep. McGregor through grassroots efforts in House District 72
Rep. McGregor's district is in central Ohio's Clark County, and includes Bethel Township, Village of Donnelsville, Village of Enon, Village of Medway, Mad River Township, City of New Carlisle, City of Springfield, and Springfield Township.
- If you live in the district, please contact the campaign about securing a yard sign for your yard, and at least two friends.
- Write a letter to the editor to the Springfield News Sun and any other local papers.
- Contact any friends that you know in the district.
To find out if you or a friend is a resident of the 72nd House district, please enter your zipcode here.
3) Attend a candidate forum and voice your support for Ohio's Castle Doctrine law
EVENT: A Candidate Forum, hosted by Leadership Clark County and the Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce
* When: Oct. 23rd, 11AM - 1PM
* Where: Courtyard by Marriott, 100 S. Fountain Ave., Springfield, OH
* There may be a need for reservations.
* For more information, contact Leadership Clark County at 937-328-6120
EVENT: A Candidate Forum, hosted by VFW POST 9684
* When: Oct. 27th, 7PM - 9PM
* Where: VFW POST 9684; 1587 Lake Rd., Medway, OH 45341
* For more information, contact VFW POST 9684 at 937-849-1426
3) Call the Ohio Democratic Party today (toll-free at 1-877-OHIO-DEM)
Urge them to stop these deceptive attacks and to stop siding with violent criminals. Ross McGregor and the many Democrats and Republicans who voted to support the victims aren't the problem in Ohio.
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