Buckeye Firearms Assoc. ramps up response to Ohio Democrats' anti-gun attack with hard-hitting mailer
Last week, Buckeye Firearms Association exposed Chairman Chris Redfern and the Ohio Democratic Party financing of two deceptive anti-gun mailers attacking State Representative Ross McGregor's vote for Ohio's Castle Doctrine bill, SB184.

We pointed out that 75 percent of the Ohio General Assembly voted in favor of this law, which ensures Ohioans' right to defend themselves and their children from violent criminals - criminals who don't care about "No Guns" signs. And we pointed out that a majority of Ohio Democratic Party's own caucus members in the House, including Chairman Redfern himself, voted for this popular legislation, and that a supportive Democrat governor, Ted Strickland, enthusiastically signed it into law.
On Sunday, we took our message to the voters in McGregor's House District 72, in the form of an advertisement in Clark County's Springfield News-Sun.
This week, thousands of voters in House District 72 are receiving two gun-related mailers - including one from Buckeye Firearms Association that sets the record straight.
Following is the complete text of the Buckeye Firearms Association mailer:
Why are Democrats attacking Ross McGregor for voting to protect innocent crime victims?
Look inside to see the ad we ran in the Springfield News-Sun which reveals the shocking answer...
Vote for Ross McGregor for State Representative!
He proudly defends the Second Amendment for residents of Clark County, including including Bethel Township,Donnelsville, Enon, Medway, Mad River Township, New Carlisle, Springfield, and Springfield Township.
Support Rep. McGregor so he can defeat the anti-gun Democrats attacking him.
• Donate to his campaign online: www.votemcgregor.com
• Donate by mail: Citizens for McGregor, 5524 Old Columbus Road, Springfield, OH 45502
• Get a yard sign: 937-284-7759
• Call the Ohio Democratic Party today (toll-free at 1-877-OHIO-DEM). Urge them to stop siding with violent criminals. Ross McGregor and those who voted to protect crime victims deserve your support.For more information on Castle Doctrine and other gun rights issues, visit Buckeye Firearms Association online
The mailer also contained the complete text of our "Hypocrisy!" ad in the Springfield News-Sun.
The National Rifle Association has also responded with a mailer to its members in this Congressional District noting its endorsement of Rep. McGregor.
Responding to the Democrats' deceptive, hypocritical attacks wasn't something we had funds set aside for. By the time we learned of these anti-gun mailers, Buckeye Firearms Association had already committed our budget for the 2008 elections with donations to candidates in various key races and to mailing voter guides across the state. But we felt a response to this anti-gun attack on one of our endorsees was imperative.
We need to replenish our coffers so that we are in a good position to continue our mission of defending and advancing the right of Ohio citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities in 2009, no matter what the outcome of the elections is.
PLEASE CLICK HERE to make a donation and help us stay in a strong position to fight for your rights.
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