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Four for Four: Youngstown ''assault weapons'' ban defeated. BUT...

As we first told you in December, a fourth attempt to ban so-called "assault weapons" is underway in Youngstown.

OFCC's Mahoning County Coordinator, Rick Kaleda, has just sent us the following update (click on the "Read More...: link below):

----- Original Message -----
From: Rick Kaleda
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 8:53 PM
Subject: Youngstown AW ban DEFEATED. . . BUT .

In a surprising move, the Youngstown City council pulled the proposed "Assault weapon ban" out of the safety committee and voted to defeat enactment of the ordinance 6-0 (with one vote absent).

Although this is fantastic news in itself to the citizens of Youngstown, it is unfortunately not the end of the story. After the vote, safety committee chairman Artis Gilliam commented that the defeat of the pending legislation would not be the death of the issue and that it would certainly be re-addressed at a later date.

I was also advised by a reputable source that another approach to a ban is in the works - namely that the council is studying a law CURRENTLY in effect in Columbus.

I was told that the decision to bring the issue up in tonight's special meeting had been in place since Monday. It is my expectation that the NEW ordinance may be presented suddenly and attempts will be made to pass the measure as an emergency as was done with this issue last December.

If you live in the area, email me to locally coordinate attending council meetings in groups. This issue is not going to go away without continued massive public outcry in Youngstown.

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