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Cincinnati Post endorses Jim Raussen (R) for House 28

In a race deemed by the OFCC PAC as "too-close-to call" when it comes to giving an endorsment based on CCW issues, the Cincinnati Post chose Republican Jim Raussen for House District 28.

The district is currently represented by Wayne Coates, a first-term Democrat. Coates is a proven pro-Concealed Carry Reform voter. In the words of the Post, "Coates in a conservative Democrat whose voting record could as easily be that of a Republican."

After loosing to Coates by just 535 votes in the last election, Jim Raussen is again seeking election to represent Ohio House District 28, and Cincinnati Post has endorsed him in a squeaker.

In the newspapers words, Raussen is "as articulate about the major issues as most incumbents, and knows more about certain aspects of state government than some of them."

"Like Coates, he's a fiscal conservative. Beyond that, Raussen is knowledgeable about health care, tort reform and state budgetary concerns."

"This is a contest between two solid candidates. Given the political realities", says the Post, "we believe Raussen would best serve the district's interests, and endorse him in this election."

OFCC PAC has been impressed with Wayne Coates' voting record on CCW/self-defense-related issues. Should he be re-elected, be will offer continued strong support for Ohio CCW initiatives in the House.

But the truth is, as the Cincinnati Post recognized, Coates' influence will be limited because of his status as a member of the minority party. For that reason, many CCW supporters in House District 28 may find it more advantageous to vote for Jim Raussen.

District 28 in the Ohio House takes in the north-central suburbs, from Forest Park to the western portions of Sycamore Township and south to Arlington Heights.

Read the entire endorsement in the Cincinnati Post.

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