Boehner allegations fast & furious, but also false

by Sean Maloney

In recent days allegations have been made in a number of Internet publications that Speaker of the House John Boehner was somehow sabotaging the Fast and Furious probe. Any number of reasons were given for Speaker Boehner's opposition to the Oversight Committee investigation, all of which are false.

When I first came across these allegations, I was confident they were not true. I have hunted with John Boehner; had in-depth discussions with John concerning our Second Amendment rights; studied his politics; and have a clear understanding of how he views our God-given right to keep and bear arms. With all this in mind, I called his office to inform him of what had been published about him, in relation to the House Oversight Committee's Fast and Furious hearings. I also asked for some information to share that would help my fellow Second Amendment activists understand his position on Fast and Furious.

From the Congressional Record, and from statements made by Speaker Boehner himself, it is obvious that none of the allegations suggesting that John Boehner has "cut a deal" with Attorney General Eric Holder are true, as stated by House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Darrell Issa, R-California.

As Chairman Issa confirms, Speaker Boehner supports an aggressive investigation into President Obama's Justice Department's Fast and Furious operation. I have substantiated these statements on, Facebook, Twitter, and elsewhere, and I invite you all to do the same.

From my time spent on, Facebook, Twitter and my conversations with Speaker Boehner's office, I have found that he and his staff have repeatedly stated that they appreciate all of the hard work Chairman Issa and others have done to expose this scandal. Speaker Boehner has also been quick to point out that President Obama's Department of Justice needs to be held accountable.

Further, when asked if Speaker Boehner or his staff intervened to stop or slow-walk the investigation into Operation Fast and Furious, or cut a deal with Attorney General Holder to ensure a favorable outcome for the administration, Oversight Committee spokeswoman Becca Glover "Tweeted," "No one at leadership is trying to shut down our investigation into Fast and Furious. Enough with the conspiracy theories." President Obama's Department of Justice needs to be accountable, and Speaker Boehner supports an aggressive investigation.

I am hopeful that I have put the false allegations to rest. We need to keep our collective eyes on the ball and make sure those responsible for the death of Border Patrol AgentBrian Terry are punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Sean Maloney is a Buckeye Firearms Association Minuteman, a Second Amendment Rights attorney in West Chester, OH, an NRA Benefactor Lifetime Member, NRA Election Volunteer Coordinator for Ohio's 8th Congressional District, an active NRA Instructor and received the NRA's 2011 "Jay M. Littlefield Volunteer of the Year Award."

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