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Buckeye Firearms Association announces 2012 general election grades and endorsements

by Jim Irvine

Buckeye Firearms Association is pleased to announce our 2012 general election candidate grades and endorsements.

We offer an online voter guide and a downloadable guide. In addition, you can create a custom guide for the candidates who will appear on your specific ballot. You can print it and take it with you to the polls.

Our endorsements cover local, state, federal, and judicial races. Each of these is important to you, your freedoms, and your way of life. We encourage you to look at all races that will be on your ballot and take the time to do the research needed to vote for people who will do their jobs as you would want. Elections are when we the people "hire" or "fire" our government employees who will make many decisions that will impact our lives. It's worth the time to make sure your vote represents your values.

If you look at our online voter guide, you'll notice that some candidate names are links. These links go to the candidates' websites. We encourage you to visit these sites and sign up for their email newsletters, donate, volunteer, and get involved. It is you and your support for these candidates that make our endorsement powerful. More involvement now will lead to better laws later. How much are you willing to do to make an impact?

Politics has changed in the United States. Yes there is more money, but there are also more people involved. President Obama was elected in part because as a community organizer he mobilized large numbers of people to work on his campaign. If you don't like your adversary winning, then it's time you step up and help someone else defeat him.

There are many ways to help campaigns. Some people like the exercise and personal interaction that comes from walking door to door. Others prefer to make phone calls. Some would rather stuff and stamp envelopes than talk to people. Others prefer to participate in parades and other events, or man tables at county fairs. Some people make donations in money rather than time.

When you have a candidate who is going to go fight for your rights for 2-6 years, the least you can do is spend a few days helping him or her get there.

We will continue to publish stories related to the elections and the choices facing voters in the days ahead. We highly recommend that you consider donating either time, money, or both to at least one of our endorsed candidates. Our endorsement is worthless unless you take action to support our candidates. When gun owners and freedom lovers respond with donations and volunteer to help our candidates, we can accomplish great things.

For decades Ohio made little progress on gun issues. In the last 10 years we have seen a "shall issue" concealed carry law, statewide preemption, Governor veto override, "Castle Doctrine" legislation, and many other improvements have been made because gun owners got involved personally. Our enemies have awakened and tough battles lie ahead, but gun owners have the power this year to protect and restore our rights to levels not enjoyed in years. Voting is no longer enough - activism is needed to win in November.

Thank you for joining us in support of our endorsed candidates.

Jim Irvine is the Buckeye Firearms Association Chairman.

Buckeye Firearms Association endorsements can be found on our website's Ohio Voter Guide, or click on the links below:

Ohio House 2012

Ohio Senate 2012

Ohio Supreme Court 2012

Federal Races 2012

Local Races 2012

CLICK HERE to download your Pro Gun Voter Guide

Create a Custom Voter Guide for your specific district

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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.