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Sex offender to stage another protest demanding that law-abiding citizens disarm

by Chad D. Baus

WRGT (Dayton FOX) is reporting that a protest is being planned for Saturday's Bill Goodman Gun and Knife Show at Hara Arena.

The article reports that protest is being organized by Rev. Jerome McCorry. What the article fails to report, as is all too common with Dayton media outlets, is that McCorry is a registered sex offender.

From the article:

"We'll be out on Saturday to march and hold prayer meetings." Rev. Jerome McCorry said. McCorry said he and 30 others from Ceasefire Dayton are concerned about what goes on at gun shows.

"Guns are being sold off the floor at Hara, and they are being sold out of trunks of cars. " he said.

Hmmmm........Can anyone think of a reason why this man, a convicted rapist, doesn't want law-abiding citizens to have the ability to defend themselves with firearms?

To ask Dayton's FOX 45 why they failed to report on the fact that the man who is protesting law-abiding citizens' activities at gun shows is a registered sex offender, click here, inquire at their Facebook page or tweet your inquiry to @ABC22FOX45.

Chad D. Baus is the Buckeye Firearms Association Vice Chairman.

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