Liberal Republicans Fishing for Excuses
The following commentary was submitted anonymously to, and is being reprinted here.
Below is a story about the legislative fight to make the smallmouth bass the official Ohio state fish.
Associated Press: Legislature to name official Ohio fish, and it's not walleye
I find it interesting that Senate President Doug White says he will push for this type of honorary designation in the Senate while he has stalled real serious reform legislation like concealed carry for so long now. While people continue to be victims of crime, carjackings and Ohioans remain at risk of being killed by such criminal activity, the Ohio Senate President would rather be "fishing" than "leading". A sad statement for the State of Ohio and the state of the Republican party.
Click on the "Read More..." link below for more.
In the Washington Times a few days ago, Political News Filtration by Mark Steyn, was the following:
"Meanwhile, in the swing states, the change in voter identification since September 11, 2001, is all in one direction:
*Florida: Republicans up 6 points.
*Minnesota: Republicans up 8 points.
*Michigan: Republicans up 9 points.
*Iowa: Republicans up 12 points.
*Arkansas (home of the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library): Republicans up 15 points."
Meanwhile Governor Taft is at 46% DISAPPROVAL rating. Michigan crime is down 10.5% since passed of a CCW law. Ohio Republicans should wake up.
The media and OhioGOP can spin the story however they want. Gun owners believe Taft promised to support concealed carry and added the LEO stuff AFTER he was elected.
The first time I heard him say it was at Lake Erie Governor's Fish Day after he was elected. By the way, he can't catch fish either. The photo of him with a perch - the fish was actually caught by then Division of Wildlife Chief Mike Budzik. I was there at the photo op!
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