''Million Moms'' can't muster 20 at anti-Jim Trakas (R-17) Rally

Last week, OFCC PAC became aware of an election eve rally being staged by Ohio's contingent of the nearly bankrupt Million Mom March against pro-CCW legislator Jim Trakas (R-17). We put out an urgent call for support in staging a counter-rally, and you responded! Pro-CCW supporters outnumbered the so-called "Million Moms" nearly 2 to 1.

Following are reports from those who were there:

Perhaps the biggest headline was that famed researcher John Lott came to town to support the counter-rally, and talked to the media.

Following is an update and a "thank you" from the Trakas Campaign:

At 08:09 PM 11/2/2002 -0500, Melinda Moore wrote:

I really appreciate your efforts on behalf of Jim and, of course, concealed carry today. The alerts that you sent out clearly sent a strong message out to your members. I was impressed by how many, on such short notice, were able to attend today. We had about 30 people in total. The Million Moms had about 3 rabid, foaming at the mouth "moms" and, then, about 10 Blair Melling campaign people (the entire campaign, perhaps?). We definitely outnumbered them and, of course, outclassed them with John Lott's appearance. John was interviewed by all four television affiliates. NBC did a fairly balanced piece, however, Fox ripped Jim apart, which was unfortunate -- given the balance of pro-CCW people present and Lott's presence -- but typical, I think, given the media bias against guns.

Thanks again for all that you guys to help us today.

Here are some reports from OFCC PAC volunteers who attended:

"They (MMM) had a sign up that claimed
gun deaths for "children" ages 0-25. Looks like they had to expand their definition of children again."

"[We saw the] typical MMM whining and lies, of course, claiming HB-274 would allow CCW in schools and such."

"The 3 law enforcement officers that were there were on our side, but couldn't say it", for fear of their jobs.

If you were there and have more stories, feel free to update us by emailing info@buckeyefirearms.org.

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