Tale of Two Cities: Lebanon woman robbed, New Orleans woman gets apology

Jeremy W. White, of 4936 Bordeauz Lane (Mason), and Shane P. Prince, of 3505 W. Ohio, robbed a Maineville woman at gunpoint Nov. 13 after following her from her driveway into her garage. The next day, they robbed residents at apartment complexes near where Prince lived. This week, Prince and White were sentenced to 9 and 10 years respectively. Meanwhile, in a state that allows law-abiding...

Cincinnati's FOX19 News: ''Ohio House Expected to Pass CCW Bill''

A Thursday story from Cincinnati's WXIX FOX Channel 19 makes it clear: the Ohio House is expected to pass HB12, a concealed weapons bill introduced this week. Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder (R-Glenford) told FOX19 News he expects his chamber sometime soon will pass a bill that would have county sheriffs grant licenses allowing people to carry concealed weapons. Under current Ohio law, only...

ONN: Deborah Cook Nomination Approved

A Senate committee has approved the nomination of Ohio Supreme Court Justice Deborah Cook for a federal appeals judgeship in Cincinnati. As OFCC PAC has been reporting for the past two months, once Justice Cook is confirmed by the full Senate, it will be up to Gov. Taft to name replacement for her on the Ohio Supreme Court . Click here to read the full story from the Ohio News Network .

Toledo Blade Editorial: No, again, to concealed carry

The Toledo Blade has written their latest editorial opposing concealed carry reform . While their rhetoric about the threat to public safety is not new, their theories about why the House and Senate leadership are allowing the issue to come up, despite saying it wasn't a priority, are interesting. As always, educated letters to the editor of the Blade may be emailed by >clicking here.

Sen. Wachtmann (R-1) Introduces SB24 - Concealed Carry Licensure

Sen. Lynn Wachtmann, a Republican from Napoleon, introduced SB24 on Wednesday, along with 9 co-sponsors, that would allow citizens to carry concealed weapons. "It's substantially similar to the bill he introduced last year," said a Wachtmann aide. "The changes are minor and technical in nature." Commentary by Chad D. Baus: For those of you who are new to the history, SB130 is almost verbatim to...

Cincinnati Enquirer: Crime's up and arrests down

Cincinnati officers arrested almost 30 percent fewer suspects - about 18,000 people - last year, compared with 2000. Emergency calls increased more than 17 percent and violent crimes - murders, rapes and aggravated assaults, for example - jumped 40 percent. Criminal cases in Hamilton County courts declined 20 percent between 2000 and last year. Arrests by city police drive the county court...

Purses being stolen outside day cares

17 taken recently in Butler Co. By Janice Morse The Cincinnati Enquirer A warning to suburban moms: Don't leave your purse in plain sight as you dash into a day-care center - not even for a minute, not even in a locked car. Day-care operators are again seeing a surge in purse thefts from unattended cars in their parking lots - 17 in the past couple weeks throughout Butler County, Sgt. Thomas E...

Tale of Two Cities: Cincinnati car-jack victim shot 4x; Buffalo man spared

A 31-year-old man was in serious condition Wednesday night at University Hospital after being shot four times in Avondale. The man, whose identity was not immediately available, was approached by two or three people after he got out of his car in the 800 block of Blair Avenue about 9 p.m., said Cincinnati Police Sgt. Richard Sulfsted.Witnesses said they heard shouting, then some shots, Sulfsted...


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