PD: Senate panel to consider nominations of 2 Ohioans to federal appeals court

Washington - After waiting in the wings for 20 months, two Ohio nominees to the powerful federal appeals court will get a hearing before a key Senate panel Jan. 29. Despite pressure from the White House, the nominations of Ohio Supreme Court Justice Deborah Cook and Columbus lawyer Jeffrey Sutton languished until Republicans regained control of the Senate in November. Democrats, while in charge,...

Tale of Two Cities: Lima woman raped, OKC woman escapes attack in church

Man charged in gun-point abduction rape By GREG SOWINSKI LIMA - A local man accused in the abduction and rape of a woman was indicted by the grand jury on numerous charges this week. A 31-year-old woman was abducted by a man with a gun as she left a business in the 1000 block of West Market Street about 6 p.m. on Nov. 15, said Jana Gutman, an assistant Allen County prosecutor. The woman was taken...

Tale of Two Cities: Mansfield cabbies robbed; Nashville cabbie shoots back

Mansfield's Quality Cab Co. has expressed concern for the safety of its drivers after two armed robberies in one week. The cab company -- the only one in Mansfield -- is considering halting service to an apartment complex, Northwest Village Apartments, at 670 King St. Driver Mike Eberhardt Sr., 45, said about noon Wednesday he picked up a patron at the apartment complex. The man asked to be taken...

Online Poll: Does CCW Reform Deserve to be a 2003 Legislative Priority?

Are mixed public messages are being given by our state Republican leadership concerning concealed carry reform? In December, House Speaker Larry Householder said publicly that that concealed carry reform is in position to pass in "February or March". Yesterday, Householder said that while he expects a bill to be introduced and debated, "as far as the future of the state of Ohio and how we move...

Leadership: Concealed Carry "Takes Seat in Back"

The 2003 Legislative Agenda was presented in a joint press conference Thursday by Governor Bob Taft, Speaker Larry Householder, and Senate President Doug White. As anyone following the basic political and the economic issues facing Ohio knows, the issues being discussed as urgent legislative items include balancing Ohio's budget, unemployment, the school funding fiasco, among other issues. Since...

Senator Gardner (R-Bowling Green) considers early exit

State Senator Randy Gardner, R-Bowling Green, took over Doug White’s position as president pro tem when White became Senate President. Now Gardner, who is term-limited and cannot run for re-election in 2004, is considering another move: an early exit from the Senate. Gardner is being pressured by Gov. Bob Taft to stay in the Senate instead of resigning if he is appointed a Lake County...

Stark County Park Board's Opposition to Self-Defense Extends Even to Rangers

While not directly a Concealed Carry Reform issue, an OFCC supporter has requested that we bring attention to the plight of Stark County Park Rangers, who in the commission of their duties have been prevented from carrying a sidearm for some ten years. Click here to visit Citizens for Park Safety's website . If you are a Stark County resident, or live anywhere near Canton, you can help. The Stark...

Blade: Strong Pro-CCW Senator Joins Judiciary Committee (Civil Justice)

Senate President Doug White (R., Manchester) announced yesterday that Senator Lynn Wachtman (R-Napoleon) has been appointed to the Senate Judiciary Committee (Civil Justice). This is great news for concealed carry reform efforts. Senator Wachtmann is a staunch conservative, pro-concealed carry reform Senator. In the last session, he was primary sponsor of the Senate's CCW bill, SB130. As many...


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