Letter to the Editor: Think Sky is Falling

On Sunday, December 15, the Defiance Crescent-News printed a letter to the editor from OFCC PAC Vice Chairman Chad Baus. Click on the "Read More..." link below to read the letter. Former Toledo Mayor Carty and city council enacted a ban on inexpensive handguns, citing rising crime rates. Result? Violent crime continues to rise in Lucas County ( Toledo Blade , November 2002). This week, Toledo...

Letters to the Editor: People have right to self-defense

On December 13, the Findlay Courier printed two pro-CCW letters to the editor. Since the Courier does not offer it's opinions page online, click on the "Read More..." link below to read both letters. People have right to protect selves Soon, a concealed-carry bill may or may not be up for a vote. With all its new alterations, my opinion is not to pass such legislation. With all its new...

Reading between the lines on Sub. HB274 vote in Senate

In the days since the bill-killing vote on Substitute HB274 in the Ohio Senate, many OFCC PAC supporters have expressed the difficulty in using the votes on Sub. HB274 in the Senate to discern "who our friends are." While we cannot speak to every pro-CCW Senator's reasons for voting "YES", there ARE two Senators whose "NO" votes on HB274 were clearly NOT because they are pro-CCW and opposed to...

Morning Journal anti-CCW Editorial: UPDATE

Last week, we pointed out a horribly uninformed, anti-CCW editorial printed in Cleveland's Morning Journal. Since the Morning Journal website invites opinion via a comments section at the bottom of its website, we encouraged interested readers to submit their own thoughts. After nearly a week, not one post has been allowed to appear on the Morning Journal website in response to this story,...

Editorial: Playing games with our rights

The Lima News editorial staff has printed an excellent piece on the demise of HB274. In four short paragraphs, they denounce the unfortunate political games in the Senate, point out the decade-long history of attempts to reform concealed carry laws in Ohio, and remind readers that the Ohio Supreme Court case looms as a potential rights-restorer for Ohioans. Click here for the full editorial in...

Senate Democrats appoint replacement for Pro-CCW Tim Ryan

The Ohio Senate's Democrats have chosen Marc Dann of Liberty to fulfill the unexpired term of Timothy J. Ryan in the Ohio General Assembly. He will finish out Ryan's two years in the Senate. Dann will join 10 other Democrats in the Senate. They will be outnumbered 22-11 by Republicans. Dann was heavily endorsed by various labor unions. An attorney, he was chosen ahead of three other candidates...

Cleveland Police: You Can't Be Trusted With a Gun, But We Need your Help

Yet another law enforcement request has been issued, asking us, the unarmed and defenseless (at their leaderships' insistance) public, to be on the look out to help them catch armed criminals, this time on the streets of Cleveland . Here's a special message for the leadership of anti-CCW police organizations: Armed citizens DETER crime! Make your officers' jobs easier and endorse CCW! The result...

ANALYSIS: Sub. HB274 as passed by the Senate

After reviewing the language of the Substitute bill adopted by the Senate Judiciary Committee (Civil Justice), Ohioans for Concealed Carry made public its decision to OPPOSE this amended language. Our 6:00 a.m., December 5 press release can be reviewed by clicking here . In this release, OFCC called upon the Senate committee to reverse course, and to pass the bill as passed by the Ohio House...


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