Clinton Gun Ban Sunset, One Year Later - What the News Won't Tell You

Last year, the warnings were dire. The Clinton Gun Ban expired on September 13, 2004, after months and months of shrill screams from gun ban extremists that the sunset would result in the rein of terror on American streets California Sen. Dianne Feinstein warned if the ban sunsetted "you can expect more incidents'' such as the July 1, 1993, shootings at 101 California in which a gunman used two...

LA Times: Bearing Arms, Braving Insults

The Los Angeles Times' coverage of the 20th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference shows how having such a national conference in a place with heavy gun control laws can envigorate gun rights activists who are fighting in the local trenches. Paul Wilder avidly defends the right to bear arms, and he's heard all the insults. Crazy, trigger-happy, gun nut -- to name a few. Standing outside a hotel ball...

Public accountability needed...over the rabid anti-gun media

The Willoughby News-Herald, a newspaper which has exhibited its bigotry against law-abiding gun owners in the past by banning classified advertisements of firearms, has published an editorial opposing a portion of HB347 that would allow battered women, stalker victims, and others who have reason to fear for their lives a way out of having their names and counties of residence published in the...

SAF, NRA Ask Federal Court To Halt New Orleans Gun Seizures

Look for this lawsuit to be a huge topic of discussion at the Gun Rights Policy Conference in Los Angeles this weekend. Buckeye Firearms Association's Jim Irvine will be a guest speaker and will prepare a complete summary. Don't forget to make plans to watch a free streaming broadcast live! Click on the banner link at the top of this website homepage for more information. BATON ROUGE, LA (Sept...

Buckeye Firearms Assoc. invites you to go shooting with Ohio's Senate President

Here's your chance to meet Senate President Bill Harris and encourage him to make plans to put HB347 on a fast track! ANNUAL JOHN WAYNE CLAY SHOOT The Delaware County Republican Party’s Annual John Wayne Clay Shoot with honored guest Ohio Senate President Bill Harris Friday, October 14th 12 pm - 4 pm Black Wing Shooting Center 3722 Marysville Road, Delaware (3 miles west of Delaware on Rt. 36) $...

AP glosses over erroneous report with ''major change'' headline

Just four days after Associated Press reporter John McCarthy published an error-filled story claiming that, when introduced, Rep. Aslanides' sweeping firearms law reform legislation would "hide lists of gun permit-holders", the news service has published a follow-up story that glosses over the error. Bill introduced with major change JOHN McCARTHY Associated Press A bill making changes to a law...

FLASH: Aslanides' sweeping firearms law reform legislation introduced as HB347

Exclusive to Buckeye Firearms Association. Must credit . Buckeye Firearms Association has learned that Rep. Jim Aslanides' comprehensive firearms law reform legislation was introduced today in Columbus, as House Bill 347. The bill already has 47 co-sponsors, with more expected to sign on soon. To download a copy of House Bill 347 in .pdf format, CLICK HERE . A summary of...

Letters to Editor Correct False Reporting on Firearms Legislation

On September 14, the Middletown Journal published an editorial in which it repeated false assertions made by an Associated Press reporter about Rep. Jim Aslanides' new firearms law reform legislation. The newspaper has now published two letters to the editor which seek to correct their false reports and/or assertions. Sept. 20, 2005 Middletown Journal I am writing to correct an assertion made in...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.