Mentel “Assault Weapon” Ban a Failure from the Start

By Dean Rieck Gun bans don’t work. They never work. But that didn’t stop Councilman Michael Mentel from writing a bad law, conducting a sham public hearing, and shoving his citywide assault weapon ban down the throats of Columbus residents. Consider the recent case of Alawwal Knowles, who shot at police and terrorized a Columbus neighborhood with an AK-47. From the Columbus Dispatch : On July 11...

Dispatch: False arrest case results in record judgement

The Columbus Dispatch is reporting that a woman falsely arrested was awarded one of the largest judgments in recent history. From the story: The photograph didn’t match. The description didn’t match The handwriting didn’t match. But State Highway Patrol Trooper James R. Mendenhall, a go-getter with a spotless record, arrested the woman anyway. Michelle L. Black-Hosang denied wrongdoing, but...

Associated Press botches initial coverage of Aslanides' firearms legislation

Despite advance warning and follow-up notice, writer refuses to correct errors In the hours after we broke the story that Rep. Aslanides would be introducing a sweeping firearms law reform bill, Associated Press writer John McCarthy began making phone calls to prepare a story. Early in his interview with Buckeye Firearms Association Chairman Jim Irvine, it became obvious that McCarthy had not...

Ohio media (finally) taking note of new firearms legislation

More than six months after its introduction, the Cleveland Plain Dealer is finally reporting on House Bill 91, legislation sponsored by Rep. Tom Brinkman and intended to reform Ohio's concealed carry law in several key ways. From the story: The bill, sponsored by Cincinnati Republican Rep. Tom Brinkman, would allow carrying with no permit, lift carefully negotiated restrictions on hidden guns in...

Queen City Blues, Glass City Groundhog Day

Cincinnati & Toledo citizens vote for more of the same Despite years of increasing violent crime rates and a erosion of Second Amendment rights, the small percentage of voters who turned out for non-partisan mayoral primaries in Toledo and Cincinnati have voted for more of the same. In Cincinnati, Republican Councilman Charlie Winburn's battle to reverse 30 years of a Democrat hold on the...

Second Amendment Foundation Poll: Border Control v. Gun Control

BELLEVUE, WA – By a three-to-one margin, American citizens think border control is far more important to national security and fighting crime than gun control, a nationwide Zogby survey has revealed. The survey, commissioned by the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), found that 70 percent of the respondents believe border control is more important, while only 23 percent favor more gun control...

REMINDER: Vote TODAY in primaries around the Buckeye State!

Today is Election Day in many municipalities, and voters have an opportunity to ensure that pro-gun candidates will be on the ballot this November. In Cincinnati, Buckeye Firearms Association has endorsed Charlie Winburn for Mayor. In a campaign shaped by the city's trouble with street crime, Councilman Charlie Winburn has also earned the endorsement of crime-fighting former New York Mayor Rudy...

Dems seeking pro-gun candidates to face DeWine

A story in the Cincinnati Enquirer offers increasing indications that Democrats have in mind to run a pro-gun candidate against anti-gun Republican Senator Mike DeWine in 2006. While one such potential rival, U.S. Rep Tim Ryan, announced that he has decided to seek a third term in Congress and will not oppose DeWine, Ryan says DeWine is vulnerable and suggested a fellow pro-gun Democrat: Iraq war...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.