Zogby Poll on Terrorism and Guns

www.JohnRLott.com Since the 9/11 tragedy, anti-gun forces have tried to use the threat of terrorism to disarm law-abiding sportsmen and gun owners. Asked whether they agreed or disagreed that banning guns would reduce the threat from terrorists, poll respondents disagreed by a margin of 75 percent. Only one in five supported the notion, and five percent were not sure. Zogby polled 1,009 likely...

CCW news from the States

D.C.: Senate to pursue gun ownership law for city Some Senate Republicans are preparing to launch an assault on the District's gun laws. Senators Kay Bailey Hutchison and John Cronyn of Texas and George Allen of Virginia are signing on as sponsors of the District of Columbia Personal Protection Act of 2005. The measure would repeal the District's prohibition against most private handgun ownership...

Canada: Crime rate 66% higher in Prairie Provinces than in 4 bordering US states

April 26, 2005 News Release Today, Saskatchewan M.P., Garry Breitkreuz, Conservative Firearms Critic, released two Library of Parliament research papers that concluded: ”Comparing average crime rates for 2003 in the three prairie provinces and in the four bordering states as presented in the report for those crimes that are similarly defined and measured in both countries, we found that, in total...

Man charged after two UDF robberies and high-speed chase

One day after a school teacher was carjacked at a Cincinnati UDF store, WHIOTV.com reported that a man is facing charges this week, having been accused of robbing two United Dairy Farmers stores and leading Dayton police on a high-speed chase. From the story: A grand jury indicted Elmer Hampton on charges of robbery by force, failure to comply and felonious assault on a police officer. Hampton...

Medical errors still claiming many lives

USAToday is reporting that a newly-release study shows as many as 98,000 Americans still die each year because of medical errors, despite an unprecedented focus on patient safety over the last five years. From the story: Significant improvements have been made in some hospitals since the Institute of Medicine released a landmark report in 2000 that revealed many thousands of Americans die each...

LTE: Restrictive concealed-carry law offers travelers in Ohio little help

May 19, 2005 Cleveland Plain Dealer Stopping along the highway leaves anyone in peril. A Pennsylvania doctor, his wife and a relative stopped on the Ohio Turnpike to change drivers. A car pulled up behind their vehicle, and a man got out, demanding money. Then he shot and killed the doctor and drove off. Had the doctor been armed, instead of retrieving his wallet for the robber, he might have...

Op-Ed: Time to Control Dangerous Assault Journalists

By Alan Gottlieb Seventeen confirmed dead and hundreds injured. This was not the work of some stereotypical lunatic with a gun, but the handiwork of a careless reporter who must have graduated from the Dan Rather School of investigative journalism. Now that Newsweek has lived up to the high standard of prevarication established by Jayson Blair at the New York Times and by Janet Cooke at Newsweek’...

LTE: Take fight to those with illegal weapons

May 18, 2005 Toledo Blade The silence is deafening. That is, I haven't heard of any comments or apologies from the anti-concealed-carry or anti-gun hawks who predicted road rage and wild west shoot-outs throughout the state when the CCW law was enacted a year ago. However, after a year, not one CCW citizen has been cited for any reason. But the shootings continue as non-law-abiding crooks,...


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