LTEs: Dispatch's support for Clyde ''not surprising'', but hypocritical

May 18, 2005 Columbus Dispatch Section of House bill clear on gun licenses In its May 11 editorial, "Safety is a local issue," The Dispatch states that "(Ohio Attorney General Jim) Petro contends that the state — and only the state — can restrict where people holding licenses to carry guns can go." Fortunately for the law-abiding citizens of Ohio who have taken the time to get the required...

Three home invasions stress that only you can protect you

Gun ban extremist Toby Hoover has voiced her support for making CHL-records public by insisting she needs to know if anyone she hires might be carrying a firearm. This story fairly screams what most reasonable Ohioans think – when hiring, be concerned about the criminals amongst us - not the background checked law-abiding citizen. There is no media list of criminals, so perhaps Toby can explain...

AGAIN: Associated Press awards Cleveland Plain Dealer for anti-CCW reporting

by Chad D. Baus For the second time in as many months, a liberal national media entity has patted the Cleveland Plain Dealer on the back for its anti-concealed carry coverage in Ohio. In April, ultra-liberal Cleveland Plain Dealer columnist Connie Schultz was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for commentary that, among other things, bashed Ohio CHL-holders in 2004 as "Dirty Harry wannabe's". Yesterday,...

No longer the ''Best'' Buy in the Buckeye State for gun owners

Several weeks ago, Ohioans For Concealed Carry began receiving reports of new “no-guns” signs appearing at Best Buy locations in Ohio. Initially, it appeared this may have been a result of store managers having been mislead by out-of-state companies who are peddling “compliance kits” that contain “no-guns” signs, and falsely claiming that state law requires them to be posted. In fact, in at least...

Tight budgets causing police departments to shrink

The Ironton Tribune is reporting that funding problems are prompting a reduction of law enforcement officers in Lawrence County. From the story: Lawrence County law enforcement officers may not be extinct yet, but they might be considered an endangered species. The ranks of law enforcement officers in Lawrence County these days are thinning. The entire police department in Athalia was disbanded...

Mansfield police train for school crisis

The Mansfield News Journal is reporting that law enforcement officers recently engaged in a mock assault on a local high school in a drill designed to help prepare for the eventuality of a school shooting. From the story: Police Officers Brian Evans, Doug Noblet, Ken Carroll and Perry Wheeler stalked down a Mansfield Senior High School hallway, brandishing guns and crouching low, waiting for an...

Letters to Dayton Daily News Editor favor privacy

In the wake of a Round Table discussion of whether or not CHL-holders' records should be kept private, Dayton Daily News readers were just as overwhelmingly supportive of privacy in their letters to the editor as they were at the forum. But are news editors listening? More importantly, are legislators? May 13, 2005 Dayton Daily News Publishing names just a childish act In following the debate on...

Headline: Conceal/carry signs going, going, gone

The Wilmington News Journal is reporting . From the story: Gun-banning signs at the entrances to J.W. Denver Williams Jr. Memorial Park have been pulled. Similar signs posted at the entrances to the Clinton County Fairground are expected to soon come down, too. A formal, written opinion recently issued by Ohio Attorney General Jim Petro says signs cannot ban guns from city parkland. Rather, guns...


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