CCW News from across the nation

AK: Alaska Preemption Bill Update! NRA supported House Bill 184 passed out of the Alaska Legislature on Saturday, May 7. HB184 is now waiting transmittal to Governor Frank H. Murkowski’s desk for signature. This important legislation will prevent local gun control laws and eliminate the potential for an unfair and inconsistent patchwork of local firearm ordinances across Alaska, while protecting...

Poll: Taft approval rating at 19%; 74% disapprove

The Columbus Dispatch is reporting that a new national poll has determined Gov. Bob Taft has the lowest approval rating of any governor in the nation. According to the Dispatch, New Jersey-based SurveyUSA, an independent firm that does polling primarily for television stations, found that the Republican had an approval rating of 19 percent. From the story: Analysts said Taft is being blamed for...

LTE: Plain (Dealer) Hypocrisy

May 12, 2005 Cleveland Plain Dealer The Plain Dealer editorializes (May 7) that "Congress must give consumers the ability to protect their personal information, no matter who happens to possess it." Yet this newspaper has on several occasions used the media access loophole to disseminate information about law-abiding Ohioans who happen to exercise their right to protect themselves through the...

Condoleeza Rice: Gun Rights Important As Free Speech

The Associated Press is reporting that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, recalling how her father took up arms to defend fellow blacks from racist whites in the segregated South, said Wednesday the constitutional right of Americans to own guns is as important as their rights to free speech and religion. From the story: In an interview on CNN's "Larry King Live," Rice said she came to that view...

AGAIN: Trouble finds off-duty cops unprepared to help

Columbus' is reporting that two off-duty and unarmed officers were "going out for an evening" when they came across an armed robery in progress. As Ohio's defenseless citizens are all too familiar with after having suffered a 150-year ban on bearing arms for self-defense, the cops quickly became targets themselves when they tried to assist. From the story: Police were searching for a...

Purse snatching-carjacking-kidnapping at ''no-guns'' Dot's Market

The Dayton Daily News is reporting that police have put out a bulletin to all area police agencies concerning a reported carjacking and potential kidnapping that occurred following a purse-snatching outside a "no-guns" victim zone in Dayton. From the story: Police fear a driver could have been carjacked Wednesday night by an armed purse snatcher. The incident began shortly after 9:40 p.m. Police...

Editorial boards' collective howl over recent Clyde developments earns reply

Just two months after a collective of Ohio's liberal editorial boards screamed "we're melting!" at Representative Bill Seitz's proposal to close the Media Access Loophole and protect CHL-holders' private information, another editorial board collective appears to have been coordinated with regard to Ohioans For Concealed Carry, Inc. v City of Clyde . Last week, OFCC announced that it had filed...

NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits Coming to Columbus, Ohio 2007

(FAIRFAX, VA) – The National Rifle Association (NRA) is pleased to announce Columbus, Ohio, as the host city for its 136th Annual Meeting & Exhibits on May 18-20, 2007. The Greater Columbus Convention Center, located in the center of the city, will be home for the 3-day event. “The NRA is looking forward to coming to Columbus in 2007,” Wayne LaPierre, NRA Executive Vice President stated. “I...


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