Police chief leaves firearm in library; punished only after media broadcast

The Columbus Dispatch is reporting that Reynoldsburg Police Chief Jeanne Miller has been suspended for a week without pay, the penalty she recommended herself for leaving her purse - with a loaded 9 mm pistol inside - at the Reynoldsburg branch of the Columbus Metropolitan library six weeks ago. From the Dispatch story: Mayor Robert McPherson meted out the discipline after an investigation by...

Ohio CHL-holder to dealership: ''No guns, no Toyota''

Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2005 21:48:03 -0500 From: Harry Bryan Subject: New SUV I recently went to Toyota Direct, on Morse Road in Columbus, to make a deal on a new SUV. I had been in an accident [with my current vehicle] and I don't feel comfortable in it anymore. It took 2 trips to firm up the figures and get a trade-in appraisal. Every time I went there the salesmen "vultures" were at the front door...

Letter to the Editor: Confronting violence with nonviolence

February 14, 2005 Akron Beacon Journal The headline on the Jan. 25 front-page story got it right: "Calm words halt vow to kill.'' But the quote in the last paragraph was off base. The story told how a Brimfield Township man, Rick Reichard, saved his and his mother's lives by facing up to a killer. The suspect had an AR-15 rifle and, police say, had just shot and killed his girlfriend and her 7-...

OK: Legislation would give new support to worksite gun law

February 11, 2005 The Shawnee (OK) News Star Oklahoma lawmakers provided added support Thursday for a state law that allows workers to keep a gun in their locked vehicles at work -- a law that is being challenged in court by national employers. The House Judiciary Committee passed a measure exempting businesses from legal liability if a gun is used at a work site after its author, Rep. Greg Piatt...

Pregnant woman defends unborn child, doesn't wait for help to arrive

The story has quickly spread across the nation: A suburban Cincinnati woman is obsessed with becoming pregnant. She fakes her own pregnancy, obtains private information from an online Babies R Us gift registry, and creates an elaborate plot to lure a pregant neighbor into her home. All the while, she is plotting to murder the mother and steal the baby from her womb. But the mother didn't wait to...

CBS Evening News: Showdown Over Guns At Work

From a newsroom which has become infamous for left-wing hackjob reporting (the fraudulent Rathergate memos being Exhibit #1) comes a surprisingly balanced look at the battle over parking lot bans in America, and how one man's life has been affected by a business who denies its employees their Constitutional rights. When gun and corporate cultures clashed in southeast Oklahoma, Jimmy Wyatt got...

Do you bet your life depend on a phone line?: 911 Emergency systems fail

Two Ohio newspapers this week reported that two separate 911 services went down unexpectedly and for several hours. On February 8, the Lorain Morning Journal reported that the telephone system at the Erie County Sheriff's Office died for about 1 1/2 hours Saturday morning, meaning no one could call into the sheriff's office -- including 911 calls. And on Friday, Feb. 11, the Toledo Blade reported...

Ohio Univ: Second Amendment speaker says gun laws are racist, unconstitutional

February 10, 2005 Athens News Gun-rights advocate Reginald Jones used humor and a dynamic, informal speaking style to deliver his inflammatory message -- "Gun control is racist" -- at Ohio University Thursday night. "People are surprised to hear that," Jones told a small crowd of about 25 people in Baker Center's 1804 Room. Jones maintained that gun-control laws were used to keep blacks from...


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