Ohio Gun Ban Lobby and The Agony of Defeat

When does a legislation creating vanity license plates for the 'National Rifle Association Foundation' in Ohio become a victory for gun ban extremists? When you're gun ban lobbyist Toby Hoover, and when you're desperate to obscure the fact that you've been dealt yet another in a long string of defeats. Hoover, seemingly a one-woman show operating under the guise of the Ohio Coalition Against Gun...

Third Attack On Ohio College Campus Raises Concern

The following story and commentary were submitted to www.ohioccw.org by a concerned reader: OXFORD, Ohio -- A campus alert was issued Tuesday at Miami University after another student was assaulted, Cincinnati television station WLWT reported. A student was beaten and robbed by four unknown people in the middle of the night, making the incident the third in a little more than five weeks. Most...

Cinemark Theaters: What's good for Texans not good for Ohioans

Following is an account of one grandfather's efforts to protect his grandchildren while going to the movies: Subject: Visit to your theater today, 11/26/04 Author: "Mark" Date: 11/26/04 8:35 PM I took my grandchildren earlier today to see the movie 'The Polar Express' at your theater. Unfortunately your theater has posted signs barring entry of licensed handgun holders such as myself, and I was...

Letter to the Editor: Gun-permit decisions out of sheriff’s hands

November 29, 2004 Columbus Dispatch Franklin County Sheriff Jim Karnes told central Ohioans how he really feels about the new concealed-carry law passed in January. In the Nov. 18 Dispatch article "Conceal-carry process clarified", he said: "You got to have a reason to be scared. Otherwise, I’m going to have people filing applications for an emergency permit that really don’t have a reason to...

CHL-holder writes about protecting family from wild dogs in park

Wed Nov 17 08:11:49 2004: I can’t help but comment on what I’m reading about this issue of parks banning guns. If I’m attacked by man or beast while I’m in the park system, would they agree to be responsible/ liable for injury that occurred on their property because I was denied my right of personal protection? Recently, my wife and I took our dog for a walk in the park, and encountered a small...

''Plain sight'' just plain bad for Ohioans

Now that the dust is beginning to settle following the implementation phase of Ohio's new concealed carry law, people are beginning to settle in and examine the new law: Where is it working? Where are improvements needed? Indeed, as OFCC indicated upon passage of the bill nearly one year ago, there are many aspects which, by diminishing the number of licenses obtained, will lessen the downward...

Armed employee thwarts robbery attempt in company parking lot

The Youngstown Vindicator reported last week that when an employee of Larry's Lounge on Hillman Street exited the bar carrying cash, he was surprised to find someone waiting for him. After being greeted by the employee, the Vindicator says the man pulled a ski mask over his face and lifted an "Uzi-type" gun from under his coat, shouting "This is a holdup!" The news story goes on to say the...

Whirlpool backs out of workplace gun ban suit, but doesn't lift ban

November 26, 2004 Wall Street Journal In Oklahoma, a Ban On Guns Pits State Against Big Firms VALLIANT, Okla. -- In late summer of 2002, Steve Bastible put three bullets into a dying cow at his ranch, threw the emptied rifle behind the seat of his pickup and forgot about it. A few weeks later, the rifle cost him his job of 23 years. That Oct. 1, in a surprise search, Weyerhaeuser Co. sent gun-...


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