Lucas County Sheriff's office moves to NO appointments

In what is a very positive sign, Lucas Co. Sheriff James A. Telb's office has moved to taking CHL applications without appointments. This is the first of the offices to scrap temporary appointments after the initial surge of applicants. Telb's office tells OFCC PAC that applicants who had previously been forced to schedule appointments into June (!!) do NOT have to wait to submit their...

Heads in the sand: Gun ban extremists pretend this doesn't happen

To hear the gun ban extremists tell it, these things don't happen (especially not in small towns), and those who make preparations to defend themselves in case they do, are "buying into a culture of fear." Concealed handgun licenses are only now starting to be issued in the counties where these crimes occurred. Of course, the criminals that perpetrated them didn't worry about getting licenses...

Source: Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police tells off-duty cops to observe bans

Ohioans For Concealed Carry has learned that the Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP) may be interpreting the new Ohio concealed handgun license (CHL) law to mean that off-duty police officers may not carry in businesses which have posted discriminatory signs banning concealed carry. Although the OACP position is flawed (click on the "Read More..." link below for commentary by a Cleveland...

Blade reporter takes CHL class: impressed with thoroughness

Another reporter shops a concealed-carry class, another excellent story on the professionalism and thoroughness of Ohio CCW training. April 25, 2004 Toledo Blade Pulling trigger: a chilling moment of truth "Classes miss no targets in training applicant to qualify to obtain a concealed weapons permit" Sobering. Reality check. Practice! I wrote those words in capital letters among many pages of...

Widow had good reason to apply for [carry license]

For the most intelligent of citizens, it does not take being made a victim yourself to know it can happen to you. Mr. & Mrs. Krause took precautions, and it saved their lives in 1998. Read this article, and consider buying yourself some "self-defense insurance." April 25, 2004 Toledo Blade Mary Lou Krause, a 73-year-old widow who lives in Swanton Township, is among recent graduates of...

''Retail Rapist'' sought in greater Cincinnati

Just what are businesses that choose to deny their employees and customers their right to self-defense trying to protect them from? Note that this violent criminal ignored the 150-year-old concealed carry ban while commiting his horrible acts. Of course, his defenseless victims were dutifully obeying the law. April 23, 2004 Cincinnati Post Search is on for rapist Piercing blue eyes. Disarming...

OFCC obtains Div. of Liquor Control letter to Ohio Class D licensees

Ohioans For Concealed Carry & the OFCC PAC have confirmed our suspicions that a large number of the retailers currently listed on the "Do Not Patronize While Armed list" are likely operating under the misunderstanding that they are required to post signs barring CHL-holders from their stores. The following Ohio Division of Liquor Control letter has been sent to all Class D liquor permit-...

Signs come down at former hypocritical Business Banners

Three more stores from the list of "business ban hypocrites" have removed their discriminatory signs. They originally earned their place on this list by attempting to ban CHL-holders from their Ohio stores, while having a long history of NOT doing the same to CHL-holders in other states. Original Mattress Factory in Fairfield has removed signs ordering customers who were CHL-holders to shop...


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