Letter to the editor: Some gun bill provisions deserve to be repealed

Middletown Journal 01.17.04 Sour grapes. That’s what seeps out of the sardonic editorial (“Gun bill provisions will be next target”) in the Jan. 10 Journal. The most ludicrous of these “targeted provisions” in Ohio’s new concealed carry law is this one: Reporters are allowed to learn the names of permit-holders. Now why would our beloved newspaper object to this provision being removed from the...

Plain Dealer opinions spill onto news pages

Seemingly not content with their three editorials on the subject , the Cleveland Plain Dealer's latest rant about the open records issue and concealed carry is written in the form of "news". Concealing weapons & records 01/25/04 Julie Carr Smyth Columbus - A battle is under way in America over whether you deserve to know who is carrying a concealed handgun - and Ohio is at its heart. When Gov...

ABC News and 20/20 engage in a bit of truth-telling on guns

May wonders never cease. Nestled in amongst a 20/20 report on urban legends comes this little gem. So the question is, will ABC stop falsely reporting it? Lies, Myths and Downright Stupidity (John) Stossel's List of Popularly Reported Misconceptions Myth No. 3 — Guns are Bad America is notorious for its culture of gun violence. Guns sometimes do cause terrible harm, and many kids are killed every...

Cleveland lawyer shopping anti-self-defense op-ed

Attorney Stephanie E. Trudeau, a Cleveland employment and labor lawyer who can be reached at [email protected] or (216) 621-8400, has issued an anti-self-defense press release instructing businesses on the merits of banning licensees from carrying their firearms while at work, while shopping, or simply while visiting on business. This attorney's agenda is as transparent as it is one-sided. What...

Law enforcement cuts statewide - only YOU can protect you

Champaign County sheriff to cut force Tight budget blamed; 29 will lose jobs by month's end January 24, 2004 Cox News Service URBANA -- The Champaign County Sheriff's Office will lay off more than half its 52-member force at midnight Jan. 30, the sheriff said Friday night. Twenty-nine workers — including all lieutenants, sergeants, detectives and part-time employees — will be furloughed. "This is...

Toledo police: Self-defense a ''right'' you shouldn't exercise

January 23, 2004 Toledo Blade Carryout owners have the right to defend themselves with guns and baseball bats, if necessary, Toledo police Chief Michael Navarre said yesterday. The chief, speaking at a City Council hearing to a roomful of carryout owners, stressed that nonresistance is the best response to an armed robber. But pressed by business owners to explain their rights to use deadly force...

Cleveland gun grabbers using tragedy to call for waiting periods

When violent offenders strike in a high-profile fashion, the gun ban lobby's hypocracy comes in spades, especially, it would seem, in Cleveland. In the wake of the Case Western Reserve University shooting last year, in spite of the fact that it was the Million Mom March who held a tasteless press conference before the victim of the shooting was even laid to rest, a headline in the Cleveland Plain...

‘Dispatch’ just a shill for gun-ban lobbies

January 23, 2004 Columbus Dispatch I knew that the editors of The Dispatch were upset about the signing of the concealed-carry bill, as was demonstrated by the Jan. 11 editorials. I did not realize that the whine of the editors was made from so many sour grapes ("2 city gun stores among leaders in sales to criminals, group says," Dispatch article, Jan. 13). I will expect that any time one of the...


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