Why is the Summit Co. sheriff ''terrified''? Why is Akron's mayor ''sad''?

According to the Akron Beacon Journal, Summit County Sheriff Drew Alexander says the new concealed carry law "terrifies our people.'' "... In the worst-case scenario, a deputy walks up to a car and asks for a driver's license, and the driver says, 'Oh, by the way, I've got a gun,' and hands the gun out the window, barrel first. My God. The policeman's partner sees the gun come out of the car...

Only one of three 2006 Governor-hopefuls would have done it better than Taft

Officeholders Give Peek At 2006 Governor's Race January 8, 2004 NBC4Columbus COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Statewide officeholders gave a hint Thursday of the 2006 governor's race when the three fellow Republicans disagreed on whether to repeal the temporary increase in the state sales tax before it would expire in 2005. The three outlined the measures they will back in the GOP-dominated Legislature at a...

Rotten Apples and Sour Grapes

Some just sound like losers. Others sound like sore losers. And OFCC has learned that at least three of Ohio's liberal media outlets are already planning to violate the spirit and intent of the public records provision. For anyone who wonders after reading the below, it IS possible for a newspaper to write an objective editorial, and we'd like to thank the Steubenville Herald Star and the Lima...

''Working for an 'Idaho F' ''

Gun-control advocates: Ohio fares poorly on firearms safety Groups give state D-plus for laws protecting children January 09, 2004 Columbus Dispatch Even before Ohio legislators passed a law Wednesday allowing people to carry concealed weapons, two of the nation’s leading gun-control groups gave the state a D-plus for its ability to protect children from gun violence. The organizations lauded...

OFCC PAC Announces 2004 Primary Election endorsements

The fight to restore Ohioans' right to self-defense was not an easy one. Many important provisions were left out, and many more harmful provisions were inserted, in order to get a law. Dozens of stories have been published on this website that explain the reasons for this. During the showdown with Taft last month, Senate President Doug White, R-Manchester, repeatedly said that he did not think...

Gun ban extremists' expected ''Business Blitz'' begins

As gun ban extremists have lost their fight against concealed carry legislation in state after state after state, their next course of action is to try to discourage people from exercising their newly-recognized right. Although the methods vary, the reason is transparent. As proven in state after state, the more people who carry, the greater the downward impact on crime will be, and the more...

Taft Signs Concealed Handgun Bill

Law Goes Into Effect In 90 Days January 8, 2004 COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Governor Taft has signed the bill that will allow Ohioans to carry concealed weapons. The Senate approved the amended bill 25-8 and the House vote was 69-24 Wednesday. The bill marks the first time the Legislature and the governor's office have agreed to a deal after a decade of debate on the highly charged issue. Ohioans who apply...

Ohio Civil-Defense Coalition member CCRKBA issues press release

CCRKBA Applauds Ohio Lawmakers for Passing CCW Law BELLEVUE, Wash., Jan. 7 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) today congratulated the Ohio Legislature for overcoming considerable obstacles in finally reaching accord, and passing, a bill that will allow Ohio citizens to carry concealed firearms for their personal protection. CCRKBA Chairman Alan...


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