One E. Cleveland councilman knows you can't just drive off when attacked in car

Gun shop is 'last thing' E. Cleveland needs, chief says Cleveland Plain Dealer 11/14/03 East Cleveland- Opening a gun shop in East Cleveland would be like tossing a lighted match into a box of explosives, as far as Police Chief Patricia Lane is concerned. Lane wants City Council to ban firearms sales in East Cleveland as a pre-emptive strike against a man who recently asked about operating a gun...

Wilmington 'Defense' Walkers unfazed by cold

The following was submitted by Tim Inwood, organizer of the Wilmington 'Defense' Walk. The Wilmington 'Defense' Walk went off without a problem, other than the lousy weather - drizzle and 48 degrees. We had several calls this morning asking if we were going to reschedule due to the weather, and we we afraid this might keep our numbers down. Despite the weather we got a crowd of 110 people to sign...

Dayton Daily covers Wednesday Walk again

Sunday's Dayton Daily News has a story about our open-carry Defense Walk from last Wednesday, a school funding protest the same day, and the fact that Issue 1 may end up on the March 2004 Primary Ballot. What the article didn't point out is the fact that Ohioans For Concealed Carry has collected an estimated 50,000 signatures demanding concealed carry reform, and Issue 1 failed by just under that...

Youngstown & Lorain cops confused over who the bad guys are

Anti-self-defense extremists are trying desperately to put the 'Defense' Walk genie back in bottle. Toby Hoover told reporters covering yesterday's big Statehouse Walk that gun-rights advocates who lawfully carried their weapons in the open "prove the concealed-carry bill isn't needed." There are enough headlines just in the past two weeks to prove how wrong Hoover is. Just four hours after the...

Three more Ohioans couldn't drive away when attacked this week

"We do not want a loaded firearm readily accessible to the driver of a car. If there's a dangerous situation and you're in your car, you can drive off." - Capt. John Born, Ohio State Highway Patrol. "...Of all the changes made by the Senate, as a father, I am most proud of the work we did to ensure the safety of Ohio children under this bill." - Steve Austria, who chaired the committee which...

Letters to Editors: CCW law is best way to protect Ohioans

Anti-concealed carry/self-defense letters to the editor are few and far between these days, but when they are printed, they are always long on emotion, and short on facts. Leave it to the good guys to reply with the facts the gun grabbers left out. November 13, 2003 Cleveland Plain Dealer Regarding the Nov. 12 article "Proposed law may hide more than just guns" : Reporter Sandy Theis continues...

Poll: Ohio voters unhappy with GOP

Cleveland Plain Dealer November 13, 2003 Columbus - Auditor Betty Montgomery leads all other Republicans seeking the nomination for governor, and holds double-digit leads over Democrats who have expressed an interest in the 2006 contest, according to a poll paid for by the Montgomery campaign. Of Republicans surveyed, 32 percent said they would vote to nominate Montgomery for governor. Secretary...


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