Toledo-Area 'Defense' Walkers welcomed in Swanton with ''honks, waves & smiles

Drivers and residents honked car horns and waved, or gave a thumbs-up sign, to the 100+ openly armed 'Defense' Walkers in Swanton Sunday. At least two residents came out and joined the Walk as it progressed by their homes. This group was probably the most diverse, in terms of gender, that we've seen yet. Many women, many families with children. Fox Toledo (Ch. 36) reported that about 100 people...

Columbus billboards ask ''Why the Violence?''

Tiny victim is anti-violence crusaders’ biggest hope October 17, 2003 THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH The newly formed Urban Crime Advisory Commission convened its first meeting yesterday under a 40-foot billboard from which the image of 1-day old Alamar John-William Wright looked down. Alamar was killed a month after his birth during a robbery attempt May 29 at his Weinland Park home. He has become the...

Is no 'Defense' Walk news good news for these Ohio media outlets?

To read the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Akron Beacon Journal, or Youngstown Vindicator, you'd think there has been no "new" news on the concealed carry effort in the days since the Supreme Court ruling. That's because these three papers have neglected to cover what has been treated by the rest of the state's media as a major news story. Click on the "Read More..." link below for more. They failed to...

Cleveland-area 'Group's weapon walk plan going great guns'

Lorain Morning Journal 10/17/2003 LORAIN -- This Sunday at high noon a stretch of West Erie Avenue between Lakeview Park and City Hall will resemble the Old West -- if you take away the cars, paved roads, Northeast Ohio climate and traffic lights. About 70 people carrying holstered pistols will walk from the park to City Hall to demonstrate in support of House Bill 12, a state law stalled in...

Swanton walk to protest concealed weapons ban

Toledo Blade Regional News | Article published Friday, October 17, 2003 SWANTON — Following the lead of “defense” walks in cities such as Columbus, Dayton, and Lima, local organizers will lead their own march Sunday on Main Street in Swanton. The walks are protests in response to a recent Ohio Supreme Court ruling that the state’s ban against carrying concealed weapons is constitutional...

AGAIN: Senate Republicans leave town with unfinished business

The Ohio Senate Republican leadership, under direction of President Doug White, has once again left Columbus without appointing conferees. They will not return to session until after the 2003 Election, and then are only scheduled for one day in November, and a few tentative days in December. In another disappointment, Senate President White has informed Tony Gordon Memorial 'Defense' Walk...

''Solo open-carry in Ohio - a 3-cop encounter''

The following note has been posted to the discussion list. The writer experienced the following in Northeast Ohio: Took the dog for a walk again today [while openly carrying a loaded firearm, per Supreme Court ruling & current Ohio law]. Was about 150 ft. from the end of the walk at the car lot next to my parents house when a police car with lights on pulls up in front of me. I...

Ohio concealed carry fight aired on Rush Limbaugh program

Ohio's Troubles with Liberal Republicans Brings National Attention to Concealed Carry Issue On Tuesday, guest host Tom Sullivan, of Sacramento, latched on to a Wall Street Journal editorial about the burgeoning sales tax revolt in Ohio, and raised the larger subject of liberal Republican politics in Ohio, drawing a parallel to the plight of Californians under former Governor Gray Davis. OFCC's...


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