Supporters of concealed carry plan Defense Walk on Sunday

XENIA - Local concealed carry supporters will hold Defense Walks statewide to protest Sen. Doug White and Gov. Bob Taft's obstruction of the concealed-carry legislation on Sunday. The walk is intended to offer a visual display of support for the legalization of concealed carry permits by openly wearing their firearms through the neighborhood. Organizers cite the Supreme Court ruling of Klien vs...

Ohio Poll: Taft disapproval numbers at 46%

They say it's about Party solidarity. It looks more like they're tying lines to a sinking ship. According to the latest Ohio Poll, released Wednesday by the University of Cincinnati’s Institute for Policy Research, there are more Ohioans unhappy with the job Taft is doing than there are those who approve. According to the poll, the governor’s disapproval rating is at 46 percent. Only 44 percent...

13-year old girl wrestles firearm from deputy, pulls trigger

Girl admits trying to shoot caseworker, deputy sheriff October 08, 2003 THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH In the hallway that opened into the crowded lobby of Franklin County Children Services, a 13-year-old girl and a deputy sheriff scrapped until the deputy was on her knees and the girl held her gun. Hafsa Aboi Hassan pointed the 9 mm handgun at the back of Deputy Betty Ashley’s head and pulled the trigger...

MORE pro-self-defense letters to editors!

Concealed-carry ban offends good citizens Cincy Enquirer October 6, 2003 I'm offended, and every law-abiding citizen in Ohio should be too. Why? There were 45 states with some kind of concealed-carry law and the crime has gone down in most of those states. Either our lawmakers don't want crime to go down or they think the citizens of Ohio are more dangerous than people of the other 45 states. Jim...

Letter to the Editor: Pfeifer lives in fantasy world

October 4, 2003 Re "Court upholds ban on concealed guns," Sept. 25: How does Justice Paul E. Pfeifer believe prohibiting "the carrying of concealed weapons helps maintain an orderly and safe society?" I guess if I lived in the same neighborhood Pfeifer lives in, I would feel as safe as he does. Or perhaps, if I had armed bodyguards watching out for me at home, work and at play, I would feel safe...

Letter to the Editor: Anti-gun stance endangers public

On September 25, an attack letter, specifically targeted against Ohioans For Concealed Carry , began appearing in newspapers across the state. The letter written by the President of the Cleveland Chapter of the 'Million' Mom March, put false words in the mouths of more than 50,000 Ohioans for Concealed Carry supporters. To their credit, the newspapers are now printing OFCC's official reponse to...

Letter to the Editor: Court ruling not just racist, but sexist

Portsmouth Daily Times Ohio’s Supreme Court, by a 5-2 decision, has now joined the Ohio State Patrol and Governor Taft in the continued depriving of law abiding Ohioans from defending themselves with a concealed weapon. It matters not that [45] other states allow their citizens such defense. Opponents say this ruling reflects the will of a majority of Ohioans. This is an unproven statement. It...

Op-Ed: Guns, speech and the courts

By Sim Evans Each generation must ratify the Constitution, or else it is of no account. The founders were cognizant of this when they provided the amendment mechanism, whereby future generations might adjust the Constitution from time to time. The absence of amendments was deemed proof of its tolerability. But Americans have chosen a third course; they will neither abide by the Constitution, nor...


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