Cleveland Plain Dealer's past vs. present on firearms highlighted in obituary

We wish the Plain Dealer editorial board would explore their roots on the issue of firearms. We didn't know her, but we will miss her. Marnie Vail McCausland, a sure shot 09/16/03 Services for Marnie Vail McCausland, a National Rifle Association women's muzzleloading rifle champion whose family owned The Plain Dealer for more than 80 years, will be at 1 p.m. today at Vorhis Funeral Home, 5501...

Ohio's Chief Justice Moyer signals he will seek 4th term

09/13/03 Cleveland Plain Dealer Columbus - Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Thomas Moyer gave his first clear public signal yesterday that he intends to run for a fourth six-year term as the court's leader. A screening committee for the Ohio Republican Party interviewed Moyer and incumbent Justices Paul Pfeifer and Terrence O'Donnell. The terms of Moyer and Pfeifer expire next year. O'Donnell...

National Rifle Association urging immediate grassroots action on HB12

Ohio NRA members' various October magazines will be hitting mailboxes this week. They contain a bonus - a letter containing the following text will be inserted into every magazine: DON'T LET THE OHIO LEGISLATURE AND GOVERNOR TAFT PREVENT YOU FROM DEFENDING YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY For the first time in ten years, Right-to-Carry reform stands on the brink of being a reality in Ohio. But there are...

OH Gun Grabbers: ''Listen to law enforcement. No, not THAT law enforcement.''

For the past year or two, Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence and Million Mom March (like Bob Taft), has been fond of saying that we need to listen to "law enforcement"'s concerns about concealed carry. Since "law enforcement" doesn't like it, they've argued, it shouldn't become law. These days, they don't want anyone to listen to "law enforcement" - not if the definition of law enforcement...

Letter to the Editor: Investigation into police call is warranted

Toledo Blade September 10, 2003 The fact that it took Toledo Police 20 minutes to arrive at the scene of the stabbing death of 4-year-old Skylar Burnard and the stabbing of two-month-old Gavin Harmon, allegedly by their mother’s live-in boyfriend, is reprehensible. I challenge The Blade to hold Chief Mike Navarre’s feet to the fire on this horrific crime. An outside investigation of the events...

Letter to the Editor: Pepper ball guns are no threat to society

Saturday, September 13, 2003 Cincinnati Enquirer What in the world is wrong with our police officers ("Police concerned over civilian pepper guns," Sept. 10)? I have been firing handguns and long guns since I was around 10 years old and am now 70. I have yet to see a handgun that looks like the pepper ball gun, and so what if it does? I think it looks more like a paint ball gun. I don't believe...

Toledo gun control laws amount to colossal failure

It's getting hard to keep up with the crime headlines in Toledo. While the council and mayor chase smokers, vote to reinstate failed laws aimed at disarming the poor, and write letters to Gov. Taft opposing HB12, the innocent citizens of that city are under seige. The following headlines were all published in the past week in the Toledo Blade: Police take 20 minutes to respond to 911 call; 4 yr...

Ohio Should Follow Missouri's Lead and Pass Concealed Carry, Says CCRKBA

BELLEVUE, Wash., Sept. 11 /U.S. Newswire/ -- State lawmakers in Ohio should take a signal from their counterparts in Missouri, who just voted to override a veto by Gov. Bob Holden, making it possible for residents of the Show Me State to begin legally carrying concealed firearms for their personal protection, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) said today. Both the...


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