A view of the future in Ohio?

It's doubtful that many who visit this site are given to thinking about what the anti-self-defense extremists will do with all their spare time after Ohioan's constitutional right to self-defense is restored. If the activities of a few extremists in Minnesota are any indication, they may decide to put themselves in a great deal of danger. Minnesota is the latest state to adopt a shall-issue right...

'Top Ten' Report by anti-gun group shows gun laws don't work

BELLEVUE, WA – A recently published list of the "Top Ten States" that export guns used in crime was obviously meant to promote increased restrictions on gun sales, but an analysis of the states listed more clearly demonstrates that such laws don't work, said Joe Waldron, executive director of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. The anti-gun Americans for Gun Safety listed...

Jointogether.org: ''Why Are Teddy Bears More Regulated Than Guns?''

After reading this summary of the regulations required to purchase a firearm in Ohio, as published in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, you'll realize the real question everyone should be asking is: Why should ANYTHING anti-gun groups say be taken seriously? Click on the "Read More..." link below for more. Requirements for gun buyers 08/28/03 Cleveland Plain Dealer With a few exceptions, anyone who...

Weapons missing from Dayton Air Force Museum

The federal government is once again guilty of irresponsibility when it comes to the safe storage and protection of firearms. The Dayton Daily News is reporting that more than 1,000 artifacts are missing from the United States Air Force Museum at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton. Auditors reported three Russian-made 23 mm anti-aircraft cannons missing in March 2002. On the latest list:...

Letters to the Editor: Citizens should support concealed carry

Rick Jones, OFCC PAC Senate District 14 Coordinator, had two letters to the editor published recently: Citizens should support concealed carry - Zanesville Times-Recorder Portsmouth Daily Times - Hand guns should be legal for family protection If you live in Senate District 14, which is represented by Senator Doug White, please contact Rick at [email protected] )

Criminal victimization at lowest level in 30 years

The 2003 National Crime Victimization Survey, which is released by the Dept. of Justice, reveals long-term declines in victimization are at the lowest per capita rates in nearly 30 years. Highlights: * Overall violent victimization and property crime rates in 2002 are the lowest recorded since the inception of the NCVS in 1973.***Footnote 1: Based on adjustments to pre-1992 estimates to account...

AARP supports keeping seniors defenseless

The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) admits that criminal gun violence is making many of it's urban members "prisoners in their own homes". Their answer to members who would wish to carry a concealed firearm for self-defense? While they offer a lot of Clintonian (or should we say Taftonian?) rhetoric about supporting citizens' right to own firearms, their legislative answer is to...

Scholars debate numbers of 'defensive gun uses' in U.S.

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Tom Beiting was heading for work one day when, realizing he had left something at home, he returned to his apartment and found a stranger walking out. The man held a portable television in one arm and a case of beer in the other. The intruder dropped the items and reached for a knife tucked in his pants pocket. Beiting, a criminal-defense lawyer, also packed a weapon - a .380-...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.