18th century scholars could teach Bob Taft a few things

We often point out that the debate over reforming the concealed carry laws in Ohio should not be this difficult, given the experience in 44 other states. But the truth about banning legal self-defense was known far before Bob Taft and other "enlightened legislators" took their try at "remedying evils." The founder of criminology, 18th-century scholar Cesare Beccaria of Milan, once wrote: "False...

ATTN: What Senate leaders, Bob Taft and OSHP bureaucrats don't want you to know

Those who are currently standing in the way of passing true concealed carry reform in Ohio are fond of saying that despite doubling the size of the House version of HB12, the Senate's laundry list of terrible amendments still produced a bill that is "similar to other states' concealed carry laws" - Sen. Doug White. At the very center of the HB12 battlefield is the issue of allowing citizens...

Op-Ed: Off-Duty Bans - Should Cops Have Guns?

National Review Online August 13, 2003 By John R. Lott Jr. After a city-council member was recently killed at New York City Hall, Mayor Michael Bloomberg questioned why James Davis, the murdered councilman, would want to carry a gun. Davis, a retired police officer, had a permit to carry a gun, but Mayor Bloomberg found it very troubling: "I don't know why people carry guns. Guns kill people…"...

Perception changes in a (political) gun fight

Many readers may be familiar with Dr. Alexis Artwohl's "Perception Changes During Deadly-Force Incidents", in which he documents some of the physiological imparements those unfortunate enough to have been involved in an armed confrontation reported experiencing. Dr. Artwohl interviewed 157 police officers who were involved in shooting incidents between 1994 an 1999. According to their responses...

Op-Ed: Liberal position on gun control is simple-minded

While not directly related to the fight to restore self-defense rights in Ohio, this op-ed does make some excellent observations about those who are fighting to keep you defenseless here in Ohio. Liberal position on gun control is simple-minded By Jay Ambrose Scripps Howard News Service Conservatives, says a new study, are simple-minded, to which I say that's partly true, some of us sometimes are...

Letter to the Editor: Police, guns and other journalistic mysteries

Scott Balfour, a federal law enforcement officer from Cleveland, has written a letter to the editor in response to the recent suggestion by city government that Cleveland police officers can't be trusted with larger caliber firearms , and addressing the frequent inaccuracies displayed by the media in covering such stories. Click here to read the letter in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, or click on...

Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence promoting ''Safety'' Conference

We're pretty sure Eddie Eagle was not invited to this seminar. We're also pretty sure attendees will not be taught the REAL way to protect kids from accidental injuries with firearms: "If you see a gun - Stop! Don't Touch! Leave the Area. Tell an Adult." If you're interested in attending this conference, we recommend spending some time at www.dslg.org (Doctors For Sensible Gun Laws) and go...

The grass really IS greener: Cincinnatians moving across river

Boone County gained more people than anyplace else in Kentucky between 1995 and 2000, according to new census figures. In all, Boone County had a net gain of 8,300 people. While 16,896 moved out of the county during the five-year period, 25,196 moved in. And many of those newcomers are some of the 15,000 people who left Ohio for Kentucky over the five-year period. Much of the Boone Couty boom...


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