Delay-tactics on HB12 costing lives

It's been nearly four weeks since the Senate adjourned for summer break without appointing conferees to work out differences on Am. Sub. HB12. As Senate leaders enjoy another week in their home districts, the defenseless victim list in Ohio continues to grow. Akron kidnapping, rape investigated Columbus woman murdered in road-rage incident Shaker Heights woman shot in face during purse-snatching...

Searching for man suspected of shooting up family van

Edgil Eugene Kimbler is suspected in the kidnapping of 3 children in Dixon, Missouri. Police there say he threatened the kids' mother, Kassy Hadley, and shot into the van carrying 5 kids..3 of them fathered by Kimbler. Kimbler is alleged to have taken the 3: Madison Jean Kimbler, Mackenzie Kyla Kimbler, and Corbin Kimbler in a gold or tan SUV with Alabama plates. align="right"> Dixon police...

Practicing ''safe storage'' results in accident during attempted robbery

Toledo Blade Wednesday, July 16, 2003 Man hurt as gun goes off while confronting burglars A Texas man was shot in the leg yesterday when his brother-in-law was loading a revolver and it went off as the two were trying to ward off three masked burglars, Toledo police said. Alexander Lara, 68, who is visiting Toledo, was in fair condition last night in St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center. Three men...

Wisconsin Supremes: Concealed arms ban OK

Those who want to put all their eggs in the Ohio Supreme Court basket (or on a greater level, the US Supreme Court for 2nd Am. interpretation) need to look at the kind of wrangling and dancing the Wisconsin Supremes did on this issue. Concealed arms ban OK But message mixed as court also reverses grocer's conviction The state's prohibition against carrying concealed weapons is still legal despite...

Early decisions show solidarity among Supreme Court justices

JEREMY HOLDEN Daily Reporter Staff Writer 07/14/2003 Judging by a Columbus Daily Reporter study of Supreme Court of Ohio decisions issued in the first half of the calendar year, unanimity could be the catchphrase to mark the current court's makeup. A look at 71 of the decisions issued since the court added Associate Justice Maureen O'Connor to the bench in January showed 44 unanimous decisions,...

Letter to the Editor: The two faces of Bob Taft

July 14, 2003 Akron Beacon-Journal Gov. Bob Taft felt compelled to write a major Ohio newspaper setting the record straight as to his position on the concealed-carry issue (``Taft: Gun bill must meet test,'' Beacon Journal, June 25). A few of his statements follow: • "I have been a strong supporter of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the rights it grants.'' Observation: Then why...

Letter: Dispatch Editor deserves being labeled liberal

Sunday, July 13, 2003 I respond to Dispatch Senior Editor Joe Hallett’s contention that the " ‘Liberal’ label merits respect, not obloquy" (Forum column, June 29). Hallett wrote that he’s tired "of being called a liberal idiot for opposing concealed-carry legislation and supporting a ban on assault weapons" and "of being castigated as a tax-and-spend liberal for questioning the wisdom of huge...

Letter to the Editor: Limits on concealed carry will take the teeth out of it

The Zanesville Times Recorder has published a letter to the editor about concealed carry from Dresden resident William Ripple. Below are a couple of favorite exerpts: Exerpt #1: I have gone from a middle-aged man to an old man trying to get a decent concealed carry law in Ohio. Exerpt #2: ...A copout that will allow the governor and the police to get a law that will make concealed carry so...


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