Senate Committee passes Amended HB12 in surprise move

In a surprise move, the Ohio Senate Judiciary Committee on Criminal Justice today passed an amended House Bill 12 today on a 8-1 vote (vehemently anti-CCW Senator Goodman, was the lone dissenter) Initially, it was reported that the Ohio Senate planned to follow up with an almost immediate floor vote today. That appears now not to be the case. The amended bill is, in almost all respects, identical...

Ohio cities experience violent crime increase

There are two trends in this nation which Ohio is not following, and they are related. First, 35 states now have shall-issue right to carry laws, and another 9 have may-issue laws. Trend #1 is for states to liberalize their laws to make it easier for more law-abiding citizens to carry concealed firearms for self-defense, and as a crime deterrent. Ohio, under Gov. Taft, continues to buck this...

Op-Ed: Less Citizen Opposition Means More Guns

On Friday, we were informed that an anti-concealed carry op-ed, written by "Million" Mommer Lori O'Neill, had been printed in the Cleveland Free Times. The letter is not available online, but we did print one of what will likely be many responses from readers . Now, thanks to a self-defense rights supporter and Free Times reader, the O'Neill letter has been transcribed, and can be read below...

CWRU victim's mom: ''Trouble! Call the guys with the guns. No, not THOSE guys'

It's such a weak, flawed argument, it's almost not worth addressing. But not quite... Eleanor Helper, who told Senators she became an "instant gun control advocate" when her daughter was shot at Case Western University, has written a letter to the Columbus Dispatch editor. Click on the "Read More..." link below for the letter, and comment. Armed citizens are not a foregone asset Sunday, June 15,...

Open Letter to OSHP Superintendant Paul McClellan: You Can't Have it Both Ways

To Ohio Highway Patrol Superintendant Paul D. McClellan: In December 2001, OSHP Major J.P. Allen offered defense testimony in the Hamilton County concealed carry ban constitutionality lawsuit, on behalf of the state of Ohio and as your official representive. In March 2003, OSHP Capt. Bordman testified before the House Committee on Criminal Justice, again as your official representative. So why...

Letter to the editor: Stanford University professor skews gun-crime data

On June 10, we published a Capital University professor David Mayer's response to a letter to the Columbus Dispatch editor from anti-gun extremist John J. Donohue III, and wondered aloud of the Dispatch would have the courage to print it. They did. The Dispatch printed Dr. Mayer's letter in the Friday, June 13 edition. Click here to read the letter in the Columbus Dispatch (subscription site -...

Toledo Blade: Ohio ranks 6th in nation for bank robberies

Banks still a target June 14, 2003 FBI crime statistics for 2002 show Ohio sixth highest in the nation, for the number of robberies of its financial institutions. The state ranked third in 2001. Toledo, with 41 holdups last year, was second only to Cincinnati among major Ohio cities, with 44. Cleveland had 35, Dayton, 27, and Columbus, 25. Already this year another 19 holdups have occurred in...

Cincy Post: ''Guns kill 1, hurt 1 in West End''

Two Friday the 13th shootings two blocks apart in the West End left one person dead and one person wounded. The fatal shooting occurred at the Parktown Café at 1726 Linn. The other shooting occurred less than six hours earlier and two blocks to the south. There are several points to raise from this article in Saturday's Cincinnati Post . 1) Just from reading the headline, "Guns kill 1, hurt 1 in...


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