Translating Toby: Senate testimony full of holes

Toby Hoover, executive director Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence, said a mouthful in yesterday's Senate testimony , as did her anti-self-defense partner from the Brady Campaign in Washington D.C., John Shanks. Unfortunately, the truth and their testimony seem to have parted company before they entered the hearing room. Commentary by Chad D. Baus inserted in blue . One of Toby and Shanks'...

Toledo Blade: Case Western killing inflames gun opponents in Senate hearing

Opponents of a bill to allow Ohioans to carry hidden handguns argued yesterday it is so vaguely worded that it could permit carrying assault weapons similar to one used last week by the Case Western Reserve University gunman. "The gun in [the Case Western] incident that concerns us is a Cobray M-11 9-millimeter pistol, which is a banned assault weapon by name under the 1994 assault weapons bill...

Cincy Enquirer: Northside unsafe, activist says, defending carrying gun in bar

The anti-crime activist getting national attention for shooting a masked robber in a bar last week plans to defend himself by saying Northside has become so unsafe he had to carry a gun. Hal McKinney doesn't want to besmirch the reputation of his historic city neighborhood, where he has spent countless hours walking the streets as a volunteer with Citizens on Patrol. But as he faces charges of...

HB12: Senate ''public'' hearings scheduled May 20 & 21

House Bill 12 has been added to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Criminal Justice's agenda for public testimony on May 20 at 10:00 a.m. and May 21 at 9:00 a.m. in the North Hearing Room, Second Floor, Senate Building. The purpose for Tuesday's hearing for HB12 is, essentially, to hear testimony from The Buckeye State Sheriff's Association (which supports the bill), as well as from the Fraternal...

House Bill 12 receives third hearing in Senate committee

Representatives from Ohioans For Concealed Carry and OFCC PAC were on hand today at the Statehouse, as HB12 received it's third hearing in the Senate Committee on Criminal Justice. In the interest of time and sanity, we have taken great pains to reduce much of the anti-self-defense blather to the most basic points made. Toby Hoover, of the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence, went first. She...

Citizens on Patrol block watch volunteer no ''vigilante''

Harold McKinney put himself in harms' way daily as a volunteer for a neighborhood crime watch group. Since taverns in his neighborhood are often the targets of violent crime, he made the decision to carry the gun in case he ended up in trouble. So when Joseph Person and Demeico Hester, both 18, went into Junkers Tavern at 4356 Langland Ave., Cincinnati, about 11:12 p.m. last Thursday to hold up...

Letters to the Editor: Taking a professor to school

It speaks volumes about our educational system that, in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, one can read a four sentence letter from a pro-CCW writer that has more truth in it than the lengthy and horribly misinformed letter from a Kent State University professor who teaches on the Constitution. 5/13/03 To the Editor: I can't help but think about how the tragic death of that student could have been...

Op-Ed: There are no gun-free, safe zones

Dr. John R. Lott Jr. has written an excellent opinion editorial in the wake of the Case Western shootings, which has been published in the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Autographed copies of Dr. Lott's book are still available in the OFCC Store, but they're going fast! Click here for more information. The entire op-ed may be read at the PD website . An copy has been archived on this website in case the...


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