Who pays for the Ohio Division of Wildlife?

Sportsmen pay the bills. Sportsmen have heard from the Ohio Division of Wildlife personnel that they are actively managing the funds - the sportsmen and women's dollars - and making wise use of that resource just as with natural resources. What does that mean, how is it accomplished and where does the Division of Wildlife receive their funding? While I had some glimpse into the process, I...

PODCAST: 10 Things You Should NEVER Do After a Self-Defense Shooting

The Keep and Bear Radio podcast is hosted on the Podbean platform and is also available on Apple , Google , Spotify , and iHeartRadio . Make sure to subscribe to the podcast to hear every episode. *** Episode 21: When it comes to armed self-defense, it's usually not the shooting itself that trips you up legally. More often than not, it's what you do afterward that gets you in hot water. Sean...

The “Date Night” Restaurant Robbery

[S]ome friends and I had a discussion on my Facebook page about [an] incident where two off-duty police officers (husband and wife) interrupted a robbery in progress at a local restaurant. The incident was captured on surveillance video. The two cops spread out, flanked the bad guy at gunpoint and gave verbal commands. The bad guy fled. They gave chase and caught him outside. If you aren’t...

Your Tactical Training Scenario - Surprise Attack

Have you ever been hit in the head? How did you perform immediately after it happened? Now imagine being hit in the back of the head with a hammer. Do you still think you could make your sub-one second draw? Look at what happened to this guy . He was trying to buy a metro pass when a man walked up behind him and hit him in the back of the head with a hammer. That was the very first indication...

“Serious Errors” in FBI Reports of Shooting Incidents

Dr. John Lott, Jr. of the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) recently released a paper written while he was a Senior Advisor for Research and Statistics at the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Policy. His paper, Corrections to the FBI’s Reports on Active Shooting Incidents (May 31, 2021), examines the FBI’s previously released reports on “active shooter incidents” (ASI). The FBI...

Resistance to Violent Crime: What Does the Research Show?

Take a moment to imagine one of the following scenarios: While stopped in traffic at an inner-city intersection, a man with a gun approaches you. He begins striking your closed window with the weapon, demanding that you give him your car. You fear that if you get out and comply with the criminal’s demands he may drive away with your two small children who are strapped into their child seats in...

PODCAST: Justice Scalia Drops the Hammer: The 2nd Amendment Means What it Says

Buckeye Firearms Association has launched a podcast called Keep and Bear Radio . The podcast is hosted on the Podbean platform and is also available on Apple , Google , Spotify , and iHeartRadio . Make sure to subscribe to the podcast to hear every episode. *** Episode 20: In the previous podcast, Dick Heller, the man who saved the Second Amendment, talked about his victorious U.S. Supreme Court...

Pres. Biden’s ‘DÉJÀ VU ALL OVER AGAIN’ Gun Control Moment

President Joe Biden took to the podium to address the crime surge plaguing the country in several large metropolitan centers that just so happen to also be Democratic-run with strict gun control laws in place. Instead of purposing real solutions to address the criminal violence by lawbreakers, the president regurgitated false claims about the firearm industry and the criminal misuse of guns. For...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.