Runner saves woman from assault

Gary Stewart, 36, of Green Township is winning praise for getting involved when he realized a man was viciously beating a woman in Miami Whitewater Forest Thursday morning. "His presence stopped the attack," said Sgt. Dale Reatherford, a Hamilton County Park District ranger. "He did detain the guy." Stewart, who is training for next month's Flying Pig Marathon, was running in the park shortly...

Column: ''Ohio's new (Supreme Court) palace in Columbus''

Given how much the Ohio Supreme Court has been in the news of late, we thought this April 21 Peter Bronson column, published in the Cincinnati Enquirer, would be of interest: "While Ohio is digging in the couch cushions for spare change like a wino in a bus station, the Ohio Supreme Court is building a new palace bigger than the Capitol. Lawmakers gave the Court $85 million to repair, renovate...

These Akron victims couldn't ''just drive away'' when attacked

The bureaucrats at the Ohio State Highway Patrol have repeatedly voiced opposition to any concealed carry reform law that allows persons to exercise their right to self-defense in an automobile. In opponent testimony before the Ohio House Criminal Justice committee, Capt. John Born argued in favor of keeping in place a ban on carrying loaded weapons in cars , stating that if a person is attacked...

Providing the logic that eluded ThisWeek's Vince Dunbar

On April 10, Columbus community newspaper ThisWeek published an editorial opposing the reformation of concealed carry laws in Ohio, entitled "The logic behind concealed weapon proposal eludes me" . OFCC President Jeff Garvas submitted a response, which was published in the April 18 edition of ThisWeek . The entire response has been archived, and can be accessed by clicking here .

Police Chief: ''Easy pickings'' for armed robbers in Ohio

Medina- Police Chief Dennis Hanwell fears he can explain the city's recent spate of robberies: Medina has become easy pickings. In less than four months, since layoffs shrank the police force by 25 percent, six armed robberies have been reported in Medina, as many as were reported in all of 2002, Hanwell said. "Armed robbery is a high-risk crime," Medina Detective Scott Thomas said. "You have to...

Cleveland Plain Dealer editorial: Unconstitutional arms control?

Who's up for a smoke? Because after this article from PD associate editor Phillip Morris, some concealed carry reformers may be ready to buy stock... 04/15/03 The Ohio Supreme Court turns its attention today to guns and begins to ponder what the framers of the Ohio Constitution really meant when they wrote: "The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security; but standing...

Ohio Supreme Court Audio - Now Available Publicly

Ohioans For Concealed Carry has acquired cassette tape quality audio, and we've converted it to a 6.5k mono stream for size purposes. To hear this stream you must have Windows Media Player installed. It is recommended that you use the latest version of Windows Media Player, especially if you have problems opening the stream. To hear the low-quality audio, click here (6k low-speed stream)...

Cincinnati Post reveals multiple personalities

Readers and subscribers of the Cincinnati Post were presented with a bit of a paradox in their April 16 issue. The Page 1 headline screams: Homicides on record pace Police want to target hotspots Two killed, others injured in shootings But on the editorial page , the paper argues in favor of regulating "hidden" weapons, stating that "of all the arguments that can be made about Ohio's concealed...


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