Letter to the Editor from John Lott: ''The Crash That Killed My Data''

After the firing of (former) Emory professor Michael Bellesiles for having falsified research in his anti-gun book , "Arming America: The Origins of a National Gun Culture", after Columbia University retracted their awarding of the Bancroft Prize to him for the book, and after having his book pulled from publication, the anti-gunner's needed to try and hit the good guys back. They thought they...

Letter to the Editor: ''Constitution worthless if gun limits upheld''

A well-written letter to the editor appeared in Sunday's Columbus Dispatch. Because the Dispatch's website is subscription-based, we are archiving the entire letter here: "Ohio law effectively extinguishes the right to bear arms specifically guaranteed by Ohio's Constitution. In her March 16 Forum column, "Legislators shirk pressing issues to push gun bill" , Mary Ann Edwards suggested that the...

Letter to the Editor: ''Taft didn't keep his campaign promises''

The Cincinnati Enquirer has published a letter to the editor which does an excellent job of outlining some of Gov. Bob Taft's broken campaign promises, including the one promising to support concealed carry reform. He puts it in the context of how Taft's behavior is hurting his party: "I am a strong Republican, like the majority of voters that live around me. I donate to the national, state and...

Chicago Tribune: States poised to make it easier to carry guns

File this story under "truths the Ohio papers refuse to print": States poised to make it easier to carry guns BY TIM JONES Chicago Tribune Gun rights advocates in several states are gaining in their efforts to liberalize firearm possession laws as public support for stronger gun-control regulation wavers. Legislatures in Missouri, Ohio, Minnesota and other states are poised to approve bills...

Right back at'cha: MMM's O'Neill letter gets more smackdowns

This week the Cleveland Plain Dealer has printed three letters to the editor, responding to a letter written by MMM's Lori O'Neill, which has been published in multiple newspapers, and which we debunked after it's original printing in the Cincinnati Enquirer. O'Neill has apparently sent basically the same misguided, anti-gun letter to every newspaper she could think of, and it keeps getting...

Ohio is CCW Country!

Ohioans for Concealed Carry has color-coded a map of Ohio, which depicts the level of support in Ohio for concealed carry reform. House districts from which representatives voted FOR House Bill 12 are represented in blue, and those voting AGAINST HB12 are in red. Perhaps we need to fire up the t-shirt printer...because Ohio truly IS CCW Country .

Dispatch Editorial: ''Legislators shirk pressing issues to push gun bill''

On March 16, the Columbus Dispatch printed a column by Dispatch editorial writer Marry Ann Edwards , complaining that the "fanatic anti-tax Republicans" in the House put our constitutional self-defense rights on equal ground with the school funding mess, created by the formerly liberal Ohio Supreme Court. Edwards whines that "no groundswell of public support exists for this bill, and most of the...

Taft extends deadline for applications to replace Justice Cook

Several names familiar to Ohio voters are on a list of possible replacements for Supreme Court Justice Deborah L. Cook should the U.S. Senate confirm her nomination as a federal judge, Gov. Bob Taft's top aide said yesterday. The Senate Judiciary Committee has approved Cook's nomination to the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati. Confirmation by the full Senate has been held up...


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