[Pro-CCW] Sulzer plans to recapture Chillicothe mayor's job

A former state representative announced yesterday that he will challenge another Democrat -- and the incumbent -- in the Chillicothe mayoral election. Joseph P. Sulzer served as mayor from 1987 to 1996. In November, he lost his bid for a fourth term in the Ohio House of Representatives. Since his November defeat, Sulzer said, a number of residents have approached him about running for mayor. "...

Concealed Carry Reform Picks Up a Vote in Senate

The OFCC PAC volunteer staff has been hard at work, following up on the story we first reported here on January 8 , concerning the replacement of anti-CCW Senator Priscilla Mead (R-16). Last Thursday, Steve Stivers (R) was sworn in as her replacement . OFCC PAC went to work immediately to learn about Mr. Stiver's understanding of and support level for concealed carry reform efforts. We are...

Plain Dealer: Legislator starts drive to remove three justices

Columbus - A state lawmaker has started a drive to remove three Ohio Supreme Court justices from the bench. Rep. Ron Young is seeking co-sponsors for a resolution to remove Justices Paul Pfeifer, Francis Sweeney and Alice Robie Resnick. This represents the first attempt by the General Assembly to discharge a justice in 194 years, Supreme Court officials said. The action by Young, a Leroy Township...

States Reconsider Limits On Law-Abiding Gun Owners

As violent crime rates continue to drop in states that allow citizens to carry concealed firearms, some of those states are reconsidering the limits they place on that constitutional right. According to data from the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports, the violent crime rate in the U.S. has dropped every year since 1991 and hit a 23-year low in 2002. In that same period, 17 states added CCW laws and 13...

DDN: Taft likely to become Chair of Republican Gov. Assoc.

Buried in a Dayton Daily News story about Taft's inauguration is this tidbit on future power possibilities for the governor: "Taft is vice chairman of the Republican Governors Association and is expected to move up to chairman next year." To express your desire to keep liberal Republicans like Bob Taft out of national leadership roles, click on the link below: Republican Governors Association Let...

AP: Bennett re-elected as Ohio GOP chief

The Ohio Republican Party - fresh off a third straight sweep of statewide offices - has re-elected Chairman Robert Bennett to an eighth two-year term. The party's state central and executive committee gave Bennett its endorsement on Sunday. Last month, Bennett said he would seek another term, two years after saying that term might be his last. Bennett, 63, has been chairman since 1988 and has...

Dispatch: Republican rivalry brewing for 2006

Those interested in electing a true pro-CCW to the Ohio governorship in 2004 will be interested in a report filed today in the Columbus Dispatch. Auditor Betty Montgomery, Attorney General Jim Petro, Treasurer Joe Deters and Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell each want the Republican nomination for the office of governor in 2006, when Gov. Bob Taft is barred from seeking a third consecutive...

Enquirer: Bradley likely bound for a national stage

The Cincinnati Enquirer has printed an extensive piece on Ohio's new Lt. Gov., Jennette Bradley (R), who appears in next month's Jet magazine. "In four years she will be in high demand," said Ohio Republican Chairman Bob Bennett, who foresees a prime speaking position for her at the 2004 presidential convention. "I think the opportunities for her right now are unlimited." While Ms. Bradley's...


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