Preventing School Shootings: Observe…Investigate…Intercede

The U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center recently released a report on targeted school violence that didn’t seem to get much attention from the media. After reading it, we can understand why, as it doesn’t easily fit into the standard legacy media paradigm of exploiting tragedy to “prove” that guns are bad, and we need new laws to further restrict access to them. This report...

A Radical Idea: It’s Not the Gun, it’s the Criminal

Rahm Emanuel, recently the mayor of Chicago and who has previously served as a member of the Clinton Administration and as President Obama’s White House chief of staff, proposed a few curious gun control ideas while appearing as a panelist on ABC’s This Week program on March 28. To get Republican support and pass new gun control laws, he said, Democrats must “focus[] on the criminal, not the gun...

Focusing Gun Owners’ Political Strength – All PACs Are Local

We are constantly told that it is only big money that counts in politics. Perhaps this is so. But what if that’s merely an intimidation tactic? By convincing your enemy that you have the invincible weapon, your enemy will shrink from the fight. The gun controllers have long complained that the big money of the evil gun industry controlled Congress-critters with lavish contributions. We know this...

State Outright Recognition for Right-to-Carry Permits Helps Protect All Gun Owners

Longtime gun rights supporters know that gun owners need to stick together. Over/under shotgun and revolver aficionados help to fight semi-automatic bans, because their guns would be next on the chopping block. Those over 21 fight firearms restrictions on 18-21-year-olds, because such gun controls diminish the Second Amendment right, deter future gun owners, and weaken the shooting community...

PODCAST: How Ordinary Citizens Can Join the Battle for Second Amendment Rights

Buckeye Firearms Association has launched a podcast called Keep and Bear Radio . The podcast is hosted on the Podbean platform and is also available on Apple , Google , Spotify , and iHeartRadio . Make sure to subscribe to the podcast to hear every episode. *** Episode 11: National and state organizations do a lot of the heavy lifting for gun rights. But what can YOU do when you see a bad law...

Ohio Democrat gubernatorial wanna-bes push "smart gun" technology

Several Ohio Democrat mayors, including two gubernatorial-hopefuls (Nan Whaley, mayor of Dayton, and John Cranley, mayor of Cincinnati), have joined a "consortium" aimed at encouraging production of so-called "smart-gun" technology. From : The Gun Safety Consortium is requesting proposals for "smart gun" products like quick-access gun locks and safes and systems to enhance...

Month of headlines about mass murders masks fact that guns are used to PROTECT lives every day

Lost in headlines about several mass murders around the country is the fact that law-abiding gun owners use firearms to protect themselves or loved ones every single day, with little to no attention from the establishment media. For example, here in Ohio, on March 1, WEWS (ABC Cleveland) reported that a homeowner who had already scared off a would-be thief who had attempted to steal his ATV was...

Leaked ATF Rule Would Upend Firearm Industry

On April 20th, The Reload published what appears to be a leaked draft of an ATF proposed rule . The leaked document purports to be a proposed rule to change the regulatory definition of frame or receiver and alter federal marking requirements for firearms. The rule, if implemented, would completely upend the firearm industry by changing what parts must legally be considered a “firearm” under...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.