Most Election Polling is Garbage, Gun Control Polling is Too

Americans are still divided over the reported results of the 2020 election, but one issue that is bringing the country together is a shared disgust of opinion polling. Several “mainstream” polling firms, and the legacy media outlets that tout their bogus findings, have disgraced themselves with wildly inaccurate predictions that managed to tilt almost entirely in a single direction. Gun owners...

Buckeye Firearms Association comments on Bloomberg lawsuit against state

The Buckeye Firearms Association is still combing through the entire lawsuit filed by the cities of Columbus and Dayton against the state of Ohio and will issue a full statement in the coming days. In the meantime, we would remind Ohioans that we've made clear many times that we believe the state, as well as municipalities and the federal government, should focus on enforcing existing laws before...

Bloomberg Sets More Campaign Cash on Fire, Spending Big and Accomplishing Little

With all the drama surrounding the unfolding national election, here at least is some comic relief: mega-gun control funder Michael Bloomberg continued his 2020 streak of burning through huge mountains of political cash with little or nothing to show for it. As we noted at the time, Bloomberg’s own failed bid to buy the Democrat presidential nomination set him back over $1 billion in a campaign...

Spring Valley Range Reopens to the Public

It has been a long and rocky road. A real journey through all the twists and turns of a very major construction project with the added adventure of the COVID-19 impact. The effort has been diligent and time consuming for both the contractor and the ODNR Division of Wildlife personnel. What started as discussions to upgrade the extremely popular Spring Valley Wildlife Area (SVWA) Range, located in...

Plan For The Worst - Preparing for Abduction and Restraint

Read the following story and tell me if you are prepared to handle a situation even remotely similar to this. This woman was abducted, bound and gagged with duct tape, transported to a Detroit alley, set on fire, and shot. It truly shows the extent of savagery that some criminals are capable of. Pregnant Woman, Unborn Baby Survive Being Abducted, Set on Fire, Shot If you think stories like this...

Law Professors Make Case for Second Amendment Rights in Uncertain Times

Americans have made clear that they value their Second Amendment rights, especially during uncertain times. Faced with the COVID-19 pandemic and then widespread civil unrest, Americans have bought firearms in record numbers. Through September, the FBI had processed a record-setting 28,826,449 total National Instant Criminal Background Check System checks for 2020. With three months of the year...

Most BFA PAC endorsed candidates win in 2020 General Election

In a hotly-contested election, the vast majority of BFA PAC endorsed candidates enjoyed solid wins. Some close races have not yet reported final results. However, so far, 83% of endorsed candidates won their contests, including Justice Sharon Kennedy and U.S. Representative Jim Jordan. With a few exceptions, the endorsement committee focused on the U.S. Congress, Ohio Supreme Court, and the Ohio...


THE POLLS ARE OPEN TODAY from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Election Day is here. We hear it every two years, "This is the most important election of our lifetime!" Obviously, every election can’t be "the most important." But it can be the most important one to date. Today is a critical election for Ohio, for the U.S.A, and for freedom-loving gun owners everywhere. These are trying times. But in such...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.