Poll: Black Ohioans favor gun rights

In the days preceding the COVID-19 pandemic, a poll was conducted by the Ray C. Bliss Institute of Applied Politics and supported by the Ohio Black Legislative Caucus Foundation. From the Gongwer News Service : [The poll] surveyed 1,500 black Ohioans between December and January, asking them 60 questions covering demographics and opinions on specific policy topics. The margin of error is plus or...

Gun News Roundup - May 29, 2020

Fighting for Second Amendment rights, and exercising those rights freely and effectively, starts with being informed. Here's a quick roundup of important stories in the news recently: Pandemic Preparedness: Is Your Home-Defense Plan Ready? Canadian Gun-Grabber Admits Disarmament is the Ultimate Goal At Home, in your Car, and on the Street- More Self Defense Gun Stories Despite Confiscation, New...

BFA Testifies in Favor of Ohio Constitutional Carry Bill HB 178

On Thursday, May 28, 2020, the House Criminal Justice Committee, Chaired by Rep. George Lang (R), heard testimony on HB 178 and Buckeye Firearms Association (BFA) testified in support. Sponsored by Rep. Ron Hood (R) and Rep. Tom Brinkman (R), HB 178 seeks to make a variety of changes to Ohio law, including allowing adults to carry a concealed weapon without a license. BFA has always been in favor...

Everytown Ignores Its Own Data to Get Attention

Everytown for Gun Safety produced an “analysis” that sought to tie an “‘alarming’ spike” in fatal firearms-related accidents involving children to the recent surge in firearms purchases across the country. Their point is predicated on the deliberate exclusion and misuse of their own data – they used the tragic deaths of children to push their anti-gun agenda. Their own historical data disproves...

BFA Testifies in Favor of SB 317 to Exempt School Employees from Peace Officer Training

On Wednesday, May 27, 2020, the Senate Government Oversight and Reform Committee heard testimony on SB 317 and Buckeye Firearms Association (BFA) testified in favor of the bill. Sponsored by Sen. Bill Coley, SB 317 amends section 109.78 of the Ohio Revised Code to exempt certain school employees, such as teachers or administrators, from peace officer training if the board of education or...

HB 425 (Duty to Notify) to receive 5th hearing, possible amendments Thursday

Representative John Becker (R-Union Twp, Clermont Co.), who chairs the House Federalism Committee, has announced a 5th hearing for HB 425 (Duty to Notify) , sponsored by Rep. Scott Wiggam. The hearing will be held on Thursday, May 28, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. in Room 116 at the Statehouse, 1 Capitol Square, Columbus, OH 43215. The Chair has announced that an amendment or substitute bill may be offered...

Ohio’s 2020-2021 Hunting Seasons Approved by Wildlife Council

Hunting dates and bag limits for seasons that begin in September 2020 were approved by the Ohio Wildlife Council on Wednesday, May 13, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. “Ohio’s hunting and trapping seasons are developed by wildlife biologists, combining public input with the best science available,” said Division of Wildlife Chief Kendra Wecker. “...

Empty Shelves in Meat Sections Bring on Rush of New Hunters

We are a species of hunter-gatherers but for many, easy access to food at the grocery stores has taken away that instinct … until now. It is amazing how fast we return to our roots and to a focus on life’s essentials when that food supply is suddenly tough to come by. If there is anything good that has come out of COVID-19, it is that people are returning to an era of self-reliance to make sure...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.