Pro 2A Movie Filmed in Zanesville, OH Hits Theaters October 24

Hollywood may produce a lot of movies with guns, but they seldom voice much if any support for the Second Amendment. Perhaps that's one reason a writer and resident of Zanesville, Ohio, decided to produce a film of his own that deals with questions of faith as well as Second Amendment rights. Here's how the movie's website summarizes the plot: When crisis strikes and their world crumbles, is God...

Dick's Sporting Goods reports quarter billion dollar loss after anti-Second Amendment moves

After the Sandy Hook Elementary school massacre in 2012, Ohio-based Dick's Sporting Goods announced that it would stop selling AR-15s. After the Parkland, FL school massacre in 2015, Dick's announced that they would deny miltary-aged adults 18-20 years-old the right to purchase ANY firearm. Dick's CEO Ed Stack has now admitted to CBS Sunday Morning that his company has lost one-quarter of one...

SB 183 Universal Background Checks: A Bad Bill with Bad Results

Senators Cecil Thomas (D) and Peggy Lehner (R) have introduced SB 183, a bill that aims to require universal background checks on anyone seeking to buy a firearm. Eight more Senators, mostly Democrats but also one other Republican, have signed on as co-sponsors. Their aim is clearly to show bi-partisan support for this bill. Read the bill here . We can’t excuse this bill as just sloppy drafting... Connects Patients with Gun-Friendly Providers

Patients want to trust their provider to not make mistakes and to not lie to them. Unfortunately, when it comes to guns, medical organizations have not been living up to that expectation. Medical associations have been insinuating an anti-gun political agenda into the patient-doctor relationship for decades. Patients are routinely being asked about gun ownership. Worse, many physicians commit...

Gov. DeWine Rejects “Red Flag,” Introduces Plan Focused on Mental Health

Buckeye Firearms Association has consistently opposed “red flag" laws. Current law, when properly enforced, provides the tools needed to deal with dangerous people. Since early August, when Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced a 17-point plan to address violence, administration officials said they would research the issue and sought to do something different. Based on comments made by the Governor...

Report: The FBI’s annual crime report is out, and the anti-gun crowd won’t like it

The Federal Bureau of Investigation released its Uniform Crime Report for 2018 on Monday, and the numbers indicate that more people were killed by knives than rifles. The annual report touts an overall drop in violent crime for the second consecutive year, according to the Bureau’s news release on the numbers. However, the numbers specifically on homicides in the United States offer some insight...

NSSF Praises States for Record Submission of Disqualifying Mental Health Records to Background Check System

WASHINGTON — The National Shooting Sports Foundation® (NSSF®) today is praising a milestone achievement of a 241 percent increase of state submissions of adjudicated mental health records to the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System database since the firearms industry launched the FixNICS® campaign in 2013. Just 1.7 million such records existed in the FBI’s database when NSSF...

Renovations Complete at Fernwood State Forest Shooting Range

Buckeye Firearms Association leaders are on the Range Committee of the Ohio Division of Wildlife and worked with dozens of sportsman groups recently to get money in Ohio's budget for public range upgrades. This is just a small part of our ongoing and comprehensive mission to both protect and advance Second Amendment rights. Click here to see some of the things BFA did last year . JEFFERSON COUNTY...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.